OCD Community Compilation: Issue #810


OCD Community Compilation Issue #810

Welcome to the 810th issue of @OCD Daily!

Issue #810 highlights content from 10 Hive Content Creators! The OCD team continues its search throughout OCD community to find you the undervalued gems, as provided by relatively new users.

Today our curators found 10 new pieces of original content on OCD community! We strive to find works that are created by newer Hive users, that may not have the audience and the information about available communities that fits better for their content.

@OCD strives to help Hive users who put in the extra effort to create creative, original content to find audience and the communities where their content would fit better.

The @OCD nomination process

A curator will FIND a piece of work (typically from newer users) in the @ocd community within 24 hours. The curator will leave a comment to the user encouraging them to post in communities where their content would be a better fit.

We encourage you to visit these blogs and show these great Hivers your support and encouragement. And we'd like to remind you once more, don't forget, try and submit your content to the more appropriate communities before OCD unless you feel it doesn't belong in any and is original content that works with our rules.

If you enjoyed their work, give them a follow or maybe even say Hello!

Author: @killerwot
Curator: @crosheille

What Did Nearly Two Years of Lockdown Do For Me.

I wasn't 100% where a suitable place to post this would be, so I thought the OCD community, might be the best place to put it.

Author: @mrwilsha
Curator: @crosheille

Stories share stories and real life experiences

on this occasion I would like to discuss several things in my life that I have worked on in the field of tunnel construction in Sumatra. ● Tunnels are passages under the ground or the surface of the foot of a mountain. tunnels that function to drain water to reduce flooding or for consumption, power generation lines, and tunnels that channel cables.

Author: @giftto
Curator: @crosheille

African Garri flour.

Hello to my hive families. Okay before I go to my main write up today, I would love to express something. So today I helped a friend set up an hive account, even helped her with some of the write up, at the end of it she got credited more than my last 2 post. It was discouraging but I just pray this proves me wrong. like I was thinking 'maybe this isn't your thing, Gift?'. Lol just expressing my feelings but I pray I get credited in this.

Author: @collinz
Curator: @crosheille

Hive Promotions in Ghana, Plans Underway For Hive Borehole Project

We are all witnessing the global impact of technology, and the blockchain has demonstrated that people can operate remotely and even change lives in a variety of ways using the blockchain's power. More people today enjoy financial independence and have access to a variety of options for earning a fair living and gaining access to a diverse range of opportunities.

Author: @cryptosneeze
Curator: @crosheille


Axe throwing at Boom Battle Bar

With every thing happening in the world recently it's been difficult to justify making light-hearted posts. However in a crisis where the average person can't have any influence on events, I think it's important to be aware of what's happening, but not get carried away and focus only on the bad.

With that said, in an attempt to stop myself doom scrolling I'm going to write about the time me and @bombaycrypto went axe throwing!

Author: @bangladeshprince
Curator: @pusen

Watched a movie today..

Tonight I want to share a photo when I watched a movie at XXI RCW (Ringroad city walk). I went with my girlfriend at the time. we watched the movie " I thought you were home " which was played by Prilly Latuconsina.

Actually I don't want to watch this film because the romance genre is not my favorite genre. but my boyfriend really wanted to see the movie.

Author: @neyxirncn
Curator: @sirenahippie

A Colombian Farewell - Chapter III: Últimos días y comienza el viaje

DISCLAIMER: This series of articles should not be assumed in real time; they were my way of documenting my journey from Colombia to Venezuela. At this moment, since January 18, I am in Venezuela, my motherland.

Author: @akipponn
Curator: @crosheille

Seedonation: giving away seeds to collect donation

I have a small stand every two weeks at a local market that focuses on regional and local product. I wasn't there for a month as I had corona three weeks ago. During quarantine, I was wondering I can collect donation to support people from Ukraine at my stand. One of my ideas is to give away seeds: Seedonation 🌼

I put Shiso, Calendula, Marigold seeds in glass jars and left them on a table with small envelopes and a pen. All the seeds are collected by me and my daughter last year.

Author: @furburger
Curator: @crosheille


Everyday Breakfast Blog #2!

Hello guys! This will be the 2nd blog post of the series, Everyday Breakfast blogs! Breakfast blogs is a challenge that I made to myself to post and share to you guys how I prepare my everyday breakfast. 😁

Author: @beecreate
Curator: @crosheille

Lessons I Have Learnt In Business

Recount on the times when you had to handle loss in your business. Did you freak out? Did you end up in a state of depression? Did you blame yourself for investing all you had in that business? If your options aren't here,just fix it as you read this because I can definitely relate to it.

We hope you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from these posts. Do not forget to try and submit your content to the more appropriate communities before OCD unless you feel it doesnt belong in any and is original content that works with our rules. You are allowed to cross-posting from other communities to to get visibility from OCDs subscribers as long as the original is posted there. Keep up the great work creating original content!


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