[FA/ENG] Hey Hive commumity, who am I? Hard question!

It's Navid. Born in Iran, live on the Earth.

هر کجا هستم باشم /آسمان مال من است/ پنجره ، فکر، هوا، عشق، زمین مال من است.
سهراب سپهری

Location: Fahraj, Yazd, Iran

Hi. I wanna intruduce myself but the main point here is that I myself don't even know who I am!

سلام. اومدم خودمو معرفی کنم دیدم راستش خودمم نمیدونم دقیقاً کی ام!

Well, this boy seems to be named Navid who born about 27 years ago in Yazd, Iran, which is a cool country! Absolutely yes if you look optimistically!
Yeah, he born in Yazd but his family used to be in Sirjan, Kerman province, and if you're curious to know why they changed the city here it is.
People in Sirjan really believe in Yazd's doctors, they even have an idiom for this in every cases "whatever Yazd's doctors say!" For example you ask "when is our math exam?" and they'll answer "whenever Yazd's doctors say"!
so simple!

گویا اسمم نوید هستش که بیست و هفت سال پیش در یزد بدنیا اومدم. البته خونواده ام سیرجان زندگی میکردن اما از اونجایی که سیرجانی ها بشدت به دکترای یزد ایمان دارن ( و اساساً ضرب المثله که مثلاً میپرسی "امتحان ریاضی کی برگزار میشه؟" جواب میدن "هرچی دکترا یزد بگن" ) محل تولید توی سرنوشتم خورد یزد. البته تولید که... منظور همون لحظه آخره!

Let's get back to the story when his family didn't come back to Sirjan, They went to Tehran to stay there for 3 years.
Dad was accepted in university to study something about art and uncle Mohammad was there too.
This happening made two really big changes in Navid's life which were inability to learn Sirjani accent and also rich a brother who was born in Tehran, the capital,
and having the Tehran ID card! Actually they got back to Sirjan then, but after death the doctor!
Come on, I'm making a mountain out of molehill. I'm just trying (and pushing!) to be funny and I don't know how much I'm successful.

خب اونجا بودیم که یزد به دنیا اومدم و رفتیم تهرون که دیگه سه سال همونجا بودیم. بابا دانشگاه قبول شده بوده گویا و اینطوری شد که دو تا اتفاق سرنوشت ساز تو زندگی من افتاد. یک اینکه نتونستم لهجه سیرجونی یاد بگیرم و دو اینکه یه کاکا گیرم اومد که هم تهرون به دنیا اومده بود و هم شناسنامه تهرون داشت! البته بعدش دیگه برگشتیم سیرجون اما دیگه چه فایده؟! نوشدارو بعد از مرگ سهراب! بیخیال، دارم سعی میکنم تو معرفی خلاقیت داشته باشم!


Mom & Dad


Uncle Mohammad while playing Setar

OK, let me add some other information about myself. I started drawing, painting and sketching when I was 15. I draw caricature as well.

خب باید بگم که وقتی پونزده ساله بودم طراحی رو شروع کردم. کاریکاتور هم بعله!


drawing in a garden in Balvard


Sketch of a nudemodel scalpture, 22 minutes by graphite

I also learned how to play Setar and Daf and a little bit Kamancheh and diatonic harmonica.

همینظور نواختن سازهای سه تار، دف، کمانچه و هارمونیکای دیاتونیک رو هم تا حدی میدونم.


Here I'm playing Setar in a concert along with the Sayesar group

I was studding Civil engineering but after 3 years I understood that’s not mine and I dropped out of it and I went to military service for 21 months. I finished it 2 years ago.

حدود سه سالی مهندسی عمران خوندم اما دیدم نه، واسه من نیست، انصراف دادم رفتم سربازی. دوسال پیش تموم شد.

Exactly before going to military service

I should say I started doing yoga about Dec, 2018. After military service I realy need that and Modjtaba Normandie who called Monnoor is helping me not only asanas but also how to look at life.

زمستون نود و هفت یوگا رو شروع کردم. بعد از سربازی واقعا نیازش داشتم. مجتبی نورمندی منو توی این مسیر کمک میکنه. نه تنها آساناها بلکه طرز نگاه به زندگی هم.

Doing yoga in our village

Monnoor & I in a yoga tour in Fahraj

4 months ago I understood something about hitchhiking and volunteering and a fantastic door opened in my life.
Chima @shimanika explained volunteering and Mohammad Bagheri helped me to be familiar with iranvolunteering.

چهار ماه پیش به طور ظاهراً اتفاقی با کار داوطلبانه آشنا شدم و دری به زندگی جدید به روم باز شد.


Chima & Mohammad & I are painting on wall

As you know I’m new in Hive, so I would be happy to see your comments and suggestions.

همونطور که میدونید من توی هایو تازه وارد هستم و خوشحال میشم اگه با پیشنهادات تون به من کمک کنید.

It's the time to appreciate @mamalikh13 who suggested me Hive community and taught me how to run my account.
He is also introducing it to many cool boys and girls in Sirjan that I think it can be the best souvenir of living in Philippine.
He introduce Hive to my friends @zahra.farsinejad , @rabian , @shimanika , @this.sasan , and me @navidjahanshahi as I know until now.
And I should thank @geishapax . She inspired me how to format text in Markdown.

خب وقتشه که از مخمل تشکر کنم که منو به هایو معرفی کرد و کمک کرد شروع کنم. البته اون داره خیلی ها رو با این جامعه آشنا میکنه که به نظرم این بهترین سوغاتی بود که میتونست از فیلیپین بیاره.


let me mention somthing here. I know my English is not good but I try to do my best. You can help me by your comments as well.
Put some points, or ask more information about some parts I couldn't express well. Thank you so much.

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