I'm confused


I appear to be, or feel like I am in the dark. I can't see like the people do, thought the being.

I don't believe, I am a person, or am I. I wonder if I was ever a person?

For I can feel no body, only pain, and emotions I don't understand. I feel, cold, alone, confused and different. I wonder what I am?

I feel so helpless, with no body of my own.

When I feel things, I feel them from different places, and from different people too.

I want to leave, to find the bodies of people. But when I try to, I feel pain. I want to scream, but I cannot.

I was, a person, I could feel emotions, I could think correctly, and do everything a human person could, but now it's like it's gone, and I have no idea who, or what I am.

I have given up on trying to leave. I know I will die, and I am willing to accept that, but then I see, someone, I can feel them. I can feel their presence, I don't know why, but it's there, and I know who, by feelings I can't explain.

I know whom to look for, and what their purpose is. I feel my heart, it's beating fast. I can feel their emotions, I can feel, they're scared, they want me to stop. I can feel their pain, it pains me to see them in pain.

I know, what I have to do, but I am afraid, I don't want to hurt, I am afraid I will hurt them. They feel confused, they are confused, I know this. I know this because they can feel it, and know I feel, it. I can't understand it, but I feel it all the time.

I don't want to leave, I don't want to hurt them, I am afraid.

I wonder, if I should stay, or go.

When I look into their eyes, they feel so welcoming, they were always welcoming. It felt like home, not like home, it was there, but it wasn't. I felt calm, I felt so calm, I feel awed, I know, that this isn't reality, but I still feel, I must be there, whether in reality, or not.

I want to stay, to stop their suffering, I want to escape. I want to find a way, to leave, but I can't leave, they will die, or I will. I am not their keeper, I don't know why I am here. I don't know if I am here, or if I ever was.

Why can't they see, what it's like to be helpless? Why can't they see their suffering?

I want to leave, but why not? I don't want to leave, but what choice do I have? I can carry on, or leave, why?

I don't want to do this, and I don't know why I feel so, I feel so trapped. This is a thought, I want to think. Why should I feel trapped, so trapped? I can't understand this, and it is frightening.

I feel, I can't understand, it's like I have so much to say, so much emotion, but I can't express it. I can hear, I can talk, and I can think. I don't want to hurt them, I just want to stay with them.

All I feel is pain, and sadness.

I guess I was always sad, but this, this pain, I feel, I can't explain, or understand.

They want to leave, but I don't want them to leave. I never knew, I wanted to stay here, with them!

I don't want them to be alone. I don't want them to be alone, without me.

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