The Unseen World

Today has been a mixed day for weather, one minute the sun is shining, the next was rain and wind.
However, it wasn't too cold and managed to see some bees and other insects. Sadly, the bee's were a little bit too fast for me, so didn't get one in flight like I was trying to, however, I found this little fly on the petals of one of the flowers in the garden.


It was a right little poser, but when I put my Raynox 250 on the camera, I had to get much closer, in which, the fly flew away.


Not much to this shot, but I do love how water droplets magnify the detail underneath, this was shot using the Raynox 250.


I could imagine being in a plane approaching a deep valley, however, this one is a Red Currant leaf as I have these growing in the garden.

Just a short post today, back to work tomorrow, hoping for better weather sunday so I can bugger off somewhere.

Thanks for checking out my post, please feel free to follow me on Instagram.

All photos shot using a Sony A7iii Camera with a Sigma 105mm F/2.8 macro lens, and additional closeness on some shots added by using a Raynox 250 filter.

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