Dragonflies in visual prowess

Hi everyone's!!!

What do your know about dragonflies?

If you do not know about his behavior and everything related to it, then we should know the definition first, because knowing it will make it easier to recognize all the facts and daily activities in the field.

General definition of dragonflies

Dragonflies are a species of insect that is different from other insects, meaning that it is an insect that has four wings with the characteristics of its large eyes or has advanced eyes. Large eyes or dragonfly compound eyes themselves consist of the Ommatidium which is able to see in all directions and detect all movements with a radius of more than 10 meters, its speed in detecting all movements makes them more agile in everything.

This dragonfly breeds a lot in the tropics, in Indonesia itself there are a variety of species both in terms of shape and color itself, in an observation the research team in 2017 found information that their existence as many as 750 species, including new species.

Basically, in the past 2017 the research team has acquired a variety of behaviors about it, among the many things, the writer himself is interested in a number of things about him and this is our discussion at this meeting.

Among the many facts contained in the behavior of dragonflies, I am very interested in a few facts that maybe people rarely know or even know but only a little. The following explanation:

Visuals in capturing signals or colors

Each animal must have their own vision, although the way they look is different, sometimes each insect detects with its antennas and sometimes with its eyes. The dragonfly itself has a very sharp vision in detecting everything or something that is around it. Its visual power can distinguish any light or color, such as ultraviolet, and polarized light that comes from the surroundings.

The ability of the dragonfly's visual power to see can enable it to detect reflections in water or in areas not detected by other animals, let alone humans. Why is it so perfect in seeing? This certainly has advantages in its visuals, because each dragonfly compound eye contains about 30 thousand individual lenses or thousands of small sensors that function to receive information either motion or other objects that move or not move at all. Then another greatness besides that, they also have a 360 degree viewpoint because their eye position is very relative and easy to move it.

Having a perfect eye in seeing everything within a 10 meter radius in general, making it a species of insect that is able to avoid all things that are dangerous, whether coming from predators or other things that can endanger him.

Likewise with hunting, of course it can be said that they are one of the great predators who are cruel in trapping their prey or in their daily activities in searching for food.

Every target that he wanted to fall prey of course he always managed to get it, because in addition to having the advantage in seeing it was also supported by a very fast and very intelligent flight speed in swooping in obstructed objects, so that when hunting he always cornered the victim with fraud techniques so that the victim helpless, finally the victim was caught with certainty and did not move.

Then the animal or insect species is one of the species that is very ego in controlling a region, for example a male. The males will always expel other males who want to join the pre-selected territories. So it is not surprising that we often encounter or see two males fighting in control of one territory.

In general the battle will last long because both males have the same natural strength, both visually or technically in killing or defending the body from any attack.

Besides having great visuals, he also has unique facts like:

  • The strangeness of the way to marry
  • Likes water
  • Cannibalism
  • and several other things about facts that are unique about him.

Then how is the explanation? So in this case will be conveyed in future posts of course in the same blog, thank you very much.

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ThemesDragonflies in visual prowess ✉
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