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What does it consist of? Does it have to be linked to a religion? Does it help health?

If you think that meditating is something of mystics or people concerned about their spiritual development, today you will be aware of the countless number of men and women who practice meditation as a multifaceted instrument of great benefits. Both students and construction workers, housewives and businesswomen, politicians and movie stars.
Athletes, musicians and investors and now addicted to cryptocurrencies. The list is endless and ranges from the Beatles to the monks of the Dalai Lama. According to various studies, meditating helps us reduce daily stress, chronic pain, some allergic reactions, soundproofing and various medical and psychiatric afflictions.


Different ways of meditating

Two of the most popular and popular systems are: the transcendental meditation popularized in the 60s by the Beatles and the Marishi; and the mindfulness meditation that has an important center at the University of Massachusetts.
The first step of meditation is to connect with the breath, to connect with the inhalation and the exhalation, we let the thoughts pass without paying attention. Like any exercise, the beginnings are not easy, hence the importance of being persistent. Each action has a result, which we obtain when meditating that is worth trying.

How to meditate?

The process is very simple: choose a place where you are comfortable. Disconnect or remove the sound to the phones. Sit with your back straight, your shoulders and arms relaxed, your hands resting on your thighs. Make sure you are comfortable, preferably with loose clothing.
Tilt your head slightly down. At first, keeping your eyes closed makes concentration easier; when you put the tip of your tongue against the palate, you will secrete less saliva and it will be easier for you to concentrate on your breathing.


Let the thoughts pass, do not pay attention. Of course it is easier to say this than to do, so it requires a great concentration on our part. With practice, distractions diminish. In the initial stage, spend 15 minutes and at least do it once a day and always try to do it at the same time. It is very beneficial to start the day with meditation, since in this way you are setting the tone of how it will flow.

What happens during meditation?

You're just a witness to your problems, like someone watching a plane go by in the distance
