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Are Egyptian Geese Dangerous?


Oh no! A new visitor at my study window!

Here is a typical talk between women and men.
Confirmation that women regard men as dunces hahaha
Men were unfortunately born hard of hearing and they always tend to take the easy way out. Especially when it comes to requests from women, but I have to say that men are very sharp when it comes to excuses.
Join the discussion!

Late afternoon and the clouds come to rest in the valleys!

"Rosie" the nesting goose must have watched "Squirry" at the window and decided that today it was her turn for supper!

But Rosie does not come to plead pretty please like Squirry. No, instead she gives me the evil eye!

"What is this"? Rosie said; "One stupid piece of bread"?

She storms the window angrily shouting; "Hey cheapskate, go and call Marian before I climb in there to sort you out"!

So, meekly I ask Marian to go out there into the danger zone. Of course Marian had the sense to take a bucket of water and much bread with her.
"Hey cheapskate" she said; "Here's how it is done"

Again with a "Mnfffff" Rosie looked at me!

Rosie shouted; "You men drive me crazy and I bet "Mickey" is sitting loafing on a lamp post somewhere instead of helping me"

"See this" she said; "You guys can go and blow some bubbles somewhere"

And Rosie was right, as there you can see Mickey on his favorite lamp post as Rosie walked by on the roof after supper.

So what am I saying here?
Well after many years of work in the charity fields, I have heard endless arguments between unhappy couples and most of the time it arises because the husband wouldn't listen to his wife.

Which brought me to the conclusion that men are differently wired and most of the time their thoughts are "elsewhere" when their women speak to them. Our relationships are exactly like that last picture here.

Mickey stares off into the blue yonder while his wife had to take care of everything like supper.
So finally the question; "Are Egyptian Geese dangerous"?
No, but our human relationships are!

This post is also a good fit for #featheredfriday hosted by the lovely Lady @melinda010100

Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

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