My story of OCD


Hi, everebody. It's actually surprising that there is such a wonderful platform as Steemit. For a long time I was thinking, where to start my story, where to share with people my story and here comes the place where it can be done.
My name is Dmitriy, I'm from Russia (sorry for my English) and I have OCD for a very long time. Who dont knows, it's obsessive-compulsive disorder. At first it seems something minor, you just start to pay attention to different little things that before you didn't care. But gradually the number of these things grows and it turns into a rituals. At the time I started studies at the Academy and it just added hardships. Each concern turns to obsession, an evil thought, that takes possession of fully your mind, you start to panic. And to feel better, the brain comes up with some action, often absurd (to touch something a certain number of times or should be a certain time on the clock), but it helps. Unfortunately not for long. And so every day you begin to do these strange things to calm yourself. Life becomes one whole ritual.
I'd really like to meet people with a similar problem to discuss, what are your obsessions and how do you help to yourself. If this entry seems people are interested, I will gladly continue to write articles. This is my link in Facebook so we could communicate, because exist with OCD alone is wrong, believe me.
Thank you all for your attention.

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