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Obama's Lies Documented. What was in the Tesla files stolen by the FBI upon his death? What did Trump's Uncle know?

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Facebook Frames Obama's Lies all Documented over a thousand times. ..Literally! (Just Think, those are Only the Ones we have Caught him at)! Wait until you see. . .It's Staggering and Mind Blowing! I realize some of you stalwarts Know, but when you see it on paper with the evidence all together. . .This is just a segment just part 1. . .it's Off the Charts!

Bush's penchant for dishonesty can be seen in here too.

Will be dropping more source links to back this up and the Freedom Outpost article where you can go in and find more direct links in the hyperlinks or blue. All will be in Comments of Original Post on my page.

TLTR? Just flip through the Frames at the bottom and you'll Get the Picture Real Quick!

I am going to say something I can Rarely say. . .MSM did do some reporting on Obama's wheeling and dealing schemes.

I have to give credit Where credit is due. As I take a Closer look at Obama's lying and conniving I keep asking. ..What happened to the Press? Far more of them Used to do their jobs.

Here we have a President strengthening the economy, furthering policies that have been proven to lower the unemployment rate, decrease in taxes, honest citizens say they are better off Now, than when Obama was closing businesses and wreaking havoc to health care with His Forced Obamacare (or as some of the stalwarts call it. . .ObummerCare) which appeared to put a Great Deal of money in His pockets. Rather than give credit. . .what do MSM, the elitists and progressives do? Rant, Riot and pretend things are like the years under Obama, yet not a Peep of Obama's destruction and profiteering. Why do you suppose that is?

Looks like all those companies Obama was funding weren't so "Green" after all. Take a look at all the toxic waste and contaminates. How is that Green and good for the environment. How is that good for You and Your Children? Was it good for Obama's Pockets? Looks like he has a lifestyle and New Mansion to show it Really Was a big Win for him!

How many of you were bled to death by those companies who had to succumb to the Costly regulations of Obama's regime so the insurance went up 3 times the cost for a family? If you were like my family. . .you weren't getting anything for that high price tag because in Western Medicine it is a Vicious cycle where they want to prescribe a Drug to take care of the situation. You need natural cures. Guess what that High Priced insurance Doesn't pay for. . .natural health. So you end up spending MORE!

That Faked Health care funnels More money into Every Elitist's pockets all the way to the top of the Heap! Those who take the script. . .side effects. . .need more drugs to fix those. . .and they cycle continues. Talk about a war on humanity and families due to drug addiction and a hopelessness.

How many of you found the insurance companies weren't covering items like inhalers as they continued to spray our skies negatively affecting and infecting children and adults?

Remember that book Obama wrote. . .The Audacity of Hope. . .rather ominous considering he took away the Hope of many Americans. . .targeted the Middle, hard working class and in many small towns there was a pall over the area as you drove around seeing closed down factories and businesses. People are Still trying to recover from Obama's plan to destroy America. He took the first 8 years and She was supposed to take the next 8. It's Why MSM Insisted She would win. Did she? Why were they so certain then pitching a fit when they didn't get their way? That should tell you something about how they orchestrate to produce a globalist plan!

This Scheme they use Over and Over about paying the Investors Before taxpayers in the event the company was to default. . .happened with Obama's choice Solyndra for "green energy" which as you will see in the Facebook Frame photos went bankrupt after the company funneled funds into Obama's campaign. . .lots of back patting. ..Happened with Lehman Brothers and a Host of companies under them where tax payers got the shaft as investors and top execs in the company got wealthier. You should See the companies involved. It is why some people Don't read my FB posts. They likely realize anons Know. WRWY .

BTY so many companies during the Obama admin did this and ended up under Blackstone. A deep dive shows someone residing at the top in connection over in Europe with a great deal of power named Daniel Baal. Seems prophetic somehow doesn't it?

When you see all the waste from companies like Solyndra, which Obama funded. . .it becomes glaringly clear. . .Obama and those Still in office, who supported him are not For You and me. .. the hard working population! They are for Themselves and the globalist plans of the Elite!

So it looks like these "should be leader dems" aren't Really for the People, but they sure do take Great Care of themselves and Their OWN families. Have you seen where Pelosi, Feinstein and Schiff live as their districts go to pot around them? Gated at that, yet they don't want protection for everyone else. Sad! #DemHypocrisyReeks

Notice the No. 11 and 65 coming up a lot? There's a reason for that!

#Obama, #ObamaLiesAndDeception, #Obamacare, #PreyVsPray, #DarkToLight, #ObamaAdministration, #ObamaCampaignFunneling, #Elitists, #Globalists, #Anons

This is just something to look over and consider. Interesting theories here.

This taken from The Awakening Center, Mt. Rainier, WA
How Intelligence Legend & Manchurian candidate Barack Hussein Obama was created

From the slide share

So just What was in Tesla's files that the FBI stole when he died? What does Trump's uncle know.

Interesting info here and something to think about

If you are wondering what Project Looking Glass is and are skeptical that Gov. projects like this exist, see evidence of what Really does exist. Each article is fully sourced so you can always go right down to the bottom and read the sources.


Facebook Frames post here that lays it all out.

Seems to be not be connected, but I assure you It is. ..the way the rig the educational system and allow Elites Free rides and entrance while the rest of the hard working population whom they tax to death to pay for it. . .they tell us how difficult it is to get into these prestigious places and even rake in the money at regular institutions so that We don't just pay for our Own education but for their's many times over with our taxes.

Take a look at this. Very eye opening
Tucker Investigates: How did Chris Cuomo get into Yale?