In the United States issued a warning to Russia

Telephone interview with a leading western TV channels gave the new commander of US forces in Syria and Iraq, Gen. Stephen Townsend. In this position, he from the middle of August. The reason for the questioning of journalists was an incident that occurred in the Syrian province of Al-Hasaka on 19 August. The Pentagon then commented on the situation, saying that the coalition fighters, led by the United States, went to the region to protect against bumps BBC Arab Republic its commandos.

It is known that the United States sent dozens of special forces in the province in northern Syria even in 2015. The purpose of the presence of declared assist the Syrian opposition, which then independently fought against the group "Islamic State" (banned in Russia). The Americans simultaneously supplying the opposition with ammunition and cover movements of their allies from the air.

US led alliance of 65 states fighting terrorists in Iraq. Here allies fighting began in August, 2014. A month later, the alliance expanded air strikes on the territory of Syria. VKS Russia joined the anti-terrorist operation in the region since 30 September 2015. Russian pilots are in alliance with the Syrian army, coordinating their actions and with the coalition.

As for the incident, it was reported the following: Syrian Su-24, noting the approach of US combat air vehicles, from the disputed square left. Representatives of the American command transferred to the authorities of Damascus and Moscow warning in connection with the finding of the Syrian aircraft in the area controlled by the opposition. Pentagon spokesman Geoff Davis and the commander of US forces in Iraq and Syria, Stephen Townsend in unison said that coalition forces "have an undeniable right to self-defense." That is, in the case of regular threats to US special forces will take the necessary measures to protect it.

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