Benefits of Mindful Eating

This post is not about just losing weight but about overall well being and functionality of your body system. There always seems to be no need to eat less, especially if you are not planning on losing weight.

Though there is no guarantee to longetivity of life, some calories restriction and reduction can boost your chance of long healthy life. > Disclaimer : I am not a nutritionist, I am writing this based on my personal experience and research. Do your own findings.

Eating less produce great physiological effects. Different Scientist through different studies have proved the benefit of restriction of food intake in reducing the chance of having diseases like cancer, reducing blood pressure and can help in reversing diabetics among other benefits.

One of such studies was conducted by an evolutionary biologist, Dr Mango Adler of the university of new south in Australia. As she puts it

This is the most intriguing aspect from a human health standpoint. Although extended lifespan may simply be a side effect of dietary restriction, a better understanding of these cellular recycling mechanisms that drive the effect may hold the promise of longer, healthier lives for humans.

We all love good quality food. Eating is part of us. But what you eat, when you eat and how much you eat have great effect on your health and lifespan. It is a well fact that there is great benefit in eating more of vegetables and fruits and cutting down of consumption of sugar, red meat and processed food. Another research conducted at the Turfts University in Boston, by reducing the calorie intake of people by 25% for two years. It was found that calorie restriction, slight hunger and intermittent fasting in animals in general makes them physically stronger, reduce the rate of metabolism from digestion, reduce the effect of ageing and extension healthy living especially for people below the age of 60 who still have their muscles intact.

How to Maintain And Manage Healthy Calories Restriction.

Managing reduction in intakes of food can be a difficult task, since most have formed a habit of eating till they are satisfied. It is tough task but with a lot of benefit. A lot of people developed eating hefty meal out of the fear of not having enough to eat next time, this makes people who 'don't have much money' tend to eat more and become obese.
Apart from the health benefit, clearing or reducing the toxins in the food we consume leaves the body lighter and increase the increase the mood and how we feel about ourselves a great deal.

Few Techniques

  • Drink 2 litres of water daily : Drinking water instead of eating when you are feeling hunger after meals helps reduce your food intake.

  • Reducing your food portion by 25% : You naturally eat more, when you have more portion on the plate.

  • More Fruits and Vegetables : Fruits, Vegetables and Lean Protein

    help you feel full which reduces unnecessary consumption hefty meals.

  • Fasting : Fasting at least once in a week gives your system some deserved rest.

  • Split it out : Eating three times a day is not a rule. Split your meals into several small parts that the body system can manage rather than three hefty meals.

Thank you for reading.

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