@nutbox: PNUT-TRX Liquidity Provider(LP) Grow $PNUT?


PNUT-TRX Liquidity Provider(LP)
You can stake PNUT and TRX into LP and earn PNUT from your stake.
If you have some TRX and like to earn some PNUT from it this is a nice way some extra token.
Just go to https://peanut.nutbox.io
and connect your TronLink wallet, then click "Farming".

APY changes all the time but it stays around about 20 something %

Stake into LP

It's not too hard but a lot of steps and kind of confusing if you don't know what you are doing.
You can click on Stake button or "+" button to start staking. "-" is for unstake.

If you have S-PNUT-TRX token already in your wallet it is super easy but that is not the case for most people.
So first, you need to get that token. Click Get S-PNUT-TRX and trade some tokens on Just Swap.
If you have TRX, you can swap that to S-PNUT-TRX token

When you swap tokens

  • You need to pay fees in TRX so always good idea to have 10 TRX in your wallet. (if you have enough bandwidth and energy, you will be fine). If you max out all TRX and can't pay fees? Your transaction will fail.

  • You will need same amount of TRX and PNUT in order to stake into PNUT-TRX LP. (50% TRX, 50% PNUT) so you need to get both tokens.

I had 800 TRX in my wallet so swap 400 TRX to PNUT which is about 1675PNUT so that I have 400 TRX and 400 worth of PNUT. (50% / 50%)

Click "Swap" and "Accept" this transaction.

and it's done in few seconds.

Now I have TRX and PNUT tokens, I am going to stake that LP.
Go to "Pool" tag and Add Liquidity

Select TRX and PNUT tokens and click MAX

Available max token amounts will be displayed automatically so click "Supply" and put them into liquidity.

Now tokens are added to liquidity and you have PNUT-TRX LP token in your wallet.

But you are not done yet!
You need one more step here.
Go back to @Nutbox and put PNUT-TRX LP token in the "Farming" page.

and "Stake" PNUT-TRX LP token. Click MAX and Confirm your transaction.

Now you are done! and PNUT farming starts right away!

Farming page will show you how much PNUT you earned 👇 (it gets faster if you put more liquidity, of course)

That is all!

This is how you can stake PNUT-TRX on @nutbox and farm $PNUT

Once you earn some PNUT, you can swap back into TRX on Just Swap or some other tokens.
Or you can use PNUT to get upvotes on your contents.

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