We know that Nutbox Peanut actually is Nutbox V1, could you please introduce the PNUT token in the Peanut network in a nutshell? And why is Nutbox Peanut deployed on Tron? / 为什么Nutbox Peanut要构建到Tron上?


We know that Nutbox Peanut actually is Nutbox V1, could you please introduce the PNUT token in the Peanut network in a nutshell? And why is Nutbox Peanut deployed on Tron?

  • Wenfeng Wang
    Yeah, PNUT is the native token of Nutbox Peanut. It uses a half-decayed block generation model like Bitcoin. There is no upper limit on the issuance, but there is a repurchase and burn mechanism; initially each block generates 20 PNUTs, >which are halved almost in every 10 million blocks, and The current mint speed is 10 PNUTs per block. The detail of issuing method can be found in our Peanut whitepaper. By the way, the inflation rate of PNUT will be halved in the October of this year (2021).

The reason why Nutbox Peanut is built on Tron is that the Tron network has lower transaction fees. On the other hand, chains with even lower transaction fees like BSC weren't established enough for our applications, this is why we've chosen Tron to deploy Nutbox Peanut.

PNUTs can be traded on Justswap in below address.


Nutbox Peanut相当于Nutbox v1,简单介绍下Peanut网络的资产PNUT以及为什么Nutbox Peanut要构建到Tron上?

PNUT是Nutbox Peanut的原生代币,它和比特币一样采用半衰减按区块生成的模式。没有发行量上限,但有回购即销毁机制;初始每个块产生20个PNUT,每隔1000个区块减半,目前一个块10个PNUT;在Justswap上可以交易PNUT:https://justswap.io/?lang=en-US#/scan/detail/trx/TPZddNpQJHu8UtKPY1PYDBv2J5p5QpJ6XW

之所以将Nutbox Peanut构建到Tron上,是因为Tron网络拥有更低的交易手续费。Nutbox Peanut在去年10月份被部署到Tron上,当时ETH由于DeFi的火爆,交易手续费高大几十美金,我们认为对于普通用户是无法接受的;而当时像BSC这类手续费更低的链并没有完全成熟,因此我们选择将Nutbox Peanut部署到Tron上。

Kami tahu bahawa Nutbox Peanut sebenarnya adalah Nutbox V1, bolehkah anda memperkenalkan token PNUT di rangkaian Peanut secara ringkas? Dan mengapa Nutbox Peanut disebarkan di Tron?

  • Wang Wenfeng
    Ya, PNUT adalah token asli Nutbox Peanut. Ia menggunakan model generasi blok pereputan seperti Bitcoin. Ia tidak ada had atas bekalan tetapi ada mekanisme pembelian balik dan pembakaran; pada mulanya setiap blok menghasilkan 20 PNUT,yang dibahagi dua hampir di setiap 10 juta blok, dan kelajuan pencetakan semasa adalah 10 PNUT setiap blok. Perincian tentang kaedah pencetakan boleh didapati di whitepaper Peanut kami. Kadar inflasi PNUT akan menjadi separuh pada bulan Oktober 2021.

Sebab mengapa Nutbox Peanut dibina di Tron adalah kerana rangkaian Tron mempunyai yuran transaksi yang lebih rendah. Namun sebaliknya, rantai lain yang mempunyai yuran transaksi yang lebih rendah seperti BSC tidak cukup lengkap untuk applikasi kami pada masa itu, oleh itu kami memilih Tron untuk menyebarkan Nutbox Peanut.

PNUT dapat diperdagangkan di Justswap di alamat di bawah.



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Nutbox is a one-stop DAO factory for the community, providing non-technical founders with a series of tools (Crowd-staking, DApp factory, and DAO governance factory) to facilitate the creation of their own DAO platform.

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