August 2016 Numerology

Numerology ... a good way for Knowing what each month and day has in store for those who enjoy Consciously Creating their reality with a little help from numerology based on the daily cycles of the Gregorian calendar.

We are now into the eighth month so we are switching from the more relaxing, contemplative, 7 month (July) to the ACTIVE 8. As a result of all that thinking last month, we should now Know what we really want and start seeing it MATERIALISE it during this month. This will require some Right ACTION from us. Our bodies are living in a physical realm, it therefore stands to reason that physical actions would be required to continue our evolution in materialising in a physical reality, as is our journey on this plane.

I can hear the new agers and their objections: but all we need to do is visualize what we want with as much emotion as possible and it will miraculously appear. Yeah sure, when we have mastered the dynamics of thinking with absolute clarity (with HIGH EMOTIONAL TONE not simply emotional attachment to our outcomes), then that miraculous stuff starts to kick in. Until then, baby steps.

Which reminds me of a good analogy. How does a child learn to walk? By DOING walking ACTIONS. By DEMONSTRATING walking to the best of their ability, they eventually discover the balance and movements required to walk and stand still unaided. So, it is with everything else we set out to achieve on the physical plane - we need to DEMONSTRATE, DO the ACTION required to assert our Intention that has evolved during the 7th month.

So what is it we REALLY WANT to experience? Now we do the actions to demonstrate our intentions. Oh, and welcome to the 8th month of August. The better we get at DOING the ACTIONS required by our DECISIONS, the more profound (forthcoming/Flowing) our evolution, progress, appears to be. This applies to our physical, emotional and mental levels ... but I'll just keep talking about the physical for now.

Beware the distractions though. Keep the focus you have achieved during July, so you are ACTIONing what you REALLY WANT, and not wasting time, effort and energy doing 'busy' for no reason; without focus. This results in us doing the Right thing at the Right time, for the Right reasons!

Here's a reminder: in the 1st month of the year we came up with ideas - some of which stuck and became goals/expectations. In the 2nd month we experienced support materialising (probably in the form of people) to help us with our goals. In the 3rd month our creativity kicked in - possibly with the help of these others - and we added some nice aesthetic details to our ideas. In the 4th month we got on with the task of doing what it takes to form the foundation/context for our goals to rest on/in. In the 5th month there were changes made to improve the chances of our outcome materialising as per our revised vision. In the 6th month we attended to the needs of family and team/co-workers, especially of those who somehow contribute to our goals. In the 7th month it was time to take a break and observe our progress, to analyze and think about the consequences so we now know how and where to focus our intentions.

And now it is the 8th month - time to get ACTIVELY organised, physically and mentally. To take stock of the resources we have and order in the further resources we've been researching. The better we manage this step with Awareness, the smoother the Flow if Consciousness into our goals, the magic of turning energy into matter, appears to be. Actually, we just have to do the actions as dictated by the answers to our How/What questions and eradicate any emotions in the way of our success. Easy peezy. Just DO IT.

Each year there is another overview of the month when it added to the overall number of the year. This is based on adding the month and the year - 8 + 2+0+1+6 = 17, then reducing this to 1+7 = 8. SPOOKY hey, same number. But no more than the rest of this year to-date. This year we being reminded of the value in CREATING OUTCOMES in sync with the number of each month - as 30(ish) days provides us with plenty of time to fine tune what we REALLY want at each stage. Giving us ample time to change our mind, to tweak the smaller outcomes of each stage and keep our focus on what we REALLY WANT - time to DEAL WTIH those pesky distractions that come along to tempt us away from our Way!

We are in a Universal 9 Year; this is based on adding 2+0+1+6 = 9. We are being reminded to complete this stage of our personal growth, and be aware of how globally we are also shifting toward starting a new 9 year cycle of growth next year. Our Personal Year maybe different, based on calculating your day of birth, month of birth and the current year - there is more information on this here. Yet, the Universal Year still has an effect on us and how we co-operate with those in our larger reality. It is like a warning, that things will be different next year, so be prepared. Clear away all that is no longer supporting you, DEAL WITH lingering upsets and issues (I recommend using the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for fast relief). AND then dare to dream/visualize about what you REALLY want. If you haven't already started your own Creative Goal Setting Program/Goal Folder, then NOW is the time to get ORGANISED with this; it'll help you get really clear about what you want in all areas of your life!

Get ORGANISED. MANAGE your current RESOURCES and PLAN the use of other RESOURCES you require. When we do this well, we experience ABUNDANCE - automatically, as though we have been creating miracles. These are all steps done via THINKING, AWARENESS, and by clearing away low tone emotions that suppress our abilities to be GREAT! MASTERS of our reality.

IF this seems a tad overwhelming, do not panic ~ you have all month to establish how this relates to you and your dreams/goals! Just don't forget to do the ACTION of being ORGANISED, starting with the RESOURCES you already have.

Marianne Thorne
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