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NUCCA Chiropractic: NUCCA Upper Cervical Care

NUCCA Chiropractic Care for Whole Body Balance
NUCCA is the technique of the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association. NUCCA aims to improve the balance of your spinal alignment, from your head to your hips, by using the least amount of force, and as few adjustment as necessary.

The emphasis of NUCCA
Balanced Posture and Stable Chiropractic Adjustments
We do this by examining and adjusting one of the most powerful areas of the spine, the upper cervical spine–the upper neck. This area of the body is very unique, as it is one of the most movable and dynamic joints of the body.

NUCCA Chiropractic in Charlevoix Michigan
Misalignments in this area of the spine can cause changes in body balance and function. We call this the Atlas Subluxation Complex.

When the Atlas is Misaligned
Body Tension and Imbalance That You Can Actually See, If You Know What To Look For
After the Upper Cervical Correction
Restoring Head and Neck Alignment Allows the To Body Reverse The Effects of Spinal Stress
In response to the head being off-center of the body

Head to toe, muscles of the body become unbalanced, leading to unequal pulling on spinal vertebrae and painful “fixations” in the spine

There is a twist in the pelvis and hips, creating the appearance of a “short leg” and the spine loses its stable base

Unequal weight is carried on each half of the body, leading to joint aches and pains as the body breaks down faster on one side than the other

Finally the quality of the blood flow (nutrition) to important nervous system issue in the spinal cord/brain stem is affected, negatively impacting internal organ systems, creating multiple and often confusing symptoms

With NUCCA upper cervical care

The spine regains flexibility

Tight, painful back muscles relax

The hips and the legs balance

Stress is taken from inflamed joints

Pain is relieved

Damaging stress to the nervous system is reduced

By carefully restoring head and neck alignment, the body can halt and begin to reverse the effects of spinal stress. Body balance is restored.

NUCCA Upper Cervical Chiropractic
In Research and In The Media
As a chiropractic technique, NUCCA has been featured on Good Morning America, Public Television, and Discovery Health.

NUCCA research broke new ground in medicine, by being involved in a pilot study on the effects of NUCCA care for high blood pressure.

In research published in the Journal of Human Hypertension, it was shown that NUCCA chiropractic care resulted in the lowering of blood pressure equal to the strength of two blood pressure pills for some patients. Read the article on the research at WebMD.

NUCCA Chiropractic in Charlevoix Michigan
The research branch of the NUCCA organization, the Upper Cervical Research Foundation (UCRF), is actively pursuing research into the effects of adjustments on the upper cervical spine (upper-neck). UCRF is working with some of the brightest minds in health care. You can read about some of their projects here.