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Pig, Snake, Doggy, Bird | Random Original Characters from my Sketchbook | Pen, colored pencils sketches

Good evening, everyone~ I hope today was/is a really wonderful day for you~

I came across these two pages in my sketchbook, today, that I like a lot, they were made rather quick, but I remember feeling really happy and relaxed while drawing them, I was just going with the flow and letting my hand and mind free.

As for the characters in these two pages , they are all random, but I find them cute~
The doggies you see in both pages are actually inspired by one of my sister's dogs, his name is Arthur and I love him very much, and I think the way I've drawn him here really puts his personality in light.

nnnnnn buh.jpg

The green pig ( the pig is a lait motif in my work haha it always appears ) is actually inspired by one of my sisters, we have an inside joke and she is supposed to be a piggie, and I draw her a lot like this because she inspires me haha!

I also drew the green snake as my sister ( who's spirit animal is a pig ), because she doesn't like snakes, and I wanted to laugh at her so I told her I'd draw her as this snake ( I actually like snakes )~

I also love playing around with characters slightly looking like birds, but they have human noses and have this fur at their neck, I find them really interesting and I absolutely love drawing them.

I'm sorry if what I'm talking about in this post about the characters doesn't makes sense, but I wonder if it ever makes sense when I'm drawing them or how they look like~

ccc buh.jpg

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Thank you for stopping by and reading all this, I appreciate it a lot~