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SMTT: First female Entry! WOHOOO 250 SBD almost won!

WOW... what an exitement... When first reading over the announcement of @erodedthoughts , I was so exited, that I was flying around in our home and I tweeted all the time:

"I have to join STD, I have to join STD"

I did that until my family was bursting from laughter. They weren't able to explain, while still laughing so hard, they could hardly breath.
Well I googled STD and understood the joke... NOT FUNNY!

STD ( Wikipedia)

"I really meant... Show Titties Day => STD. Well... that lead to even more laughter."

NOPE, I don't want to take part in STD, but in the SMTT, the Show My Titties Tuesday...
As I have some experience and no problem with nudity at all, as you can see in one of my latest posts, I really wanted to join in this great contest.

Said... Done.

I prepared some stuff to flash my chicken breast with some xxx-mess style... (That was wrong again... X-mas, sorry), which lead into more amusement... the expression "chicken breast" in Germany means a VERY flat breast. WELL I DON'T CARE.

Beautyful at any size!

Here are the results:

I learned not to pose on yellow snow ... somehow this made my family laugh another time

I like this angle... still you can see the yellow snow... a pitty

this is my favourite one ... too much of a duck-face?

What do you think, which one do you like best?
As you see, it is not that hard! Join in! I don't want to be the only one with enough courage to take part!

AH... I almost forgot to thank @berniesanders aka @nextgencrypto, @klye , @blocktrades and @pfunk for financing this great contest, as well a big THX to @erodedthoughts for organizing it!

I love you all!
