Love blooms


Why not start as friends, as acquaintances in a cafe in the middle of the afternoon talking about everything and nothing? I do not know, I mean, for a change ...

You are right. Love blooms when you least expect it. Generally, it is born in inhospitable places, because love is a miracle. It brings life where there was death, it brings happiness where there were only tears, it brings music and dance where there was only silence and discouragement.

In short, love is complex, simple, simple and extravagant. Yes, all at the same time. It breaks your heart while making you a new one.

The beauty of love is that it comes in different presentations and intensities, but even so it is a single feeling and it is forever. If it is not eternal, it is not love. It's that simple

The horrible thing is that many times we make mistakes, we do stupid things and then we try to blame it on love, when it never makes a mistake, rather, it is like another victim of our decisions ... and indecisions.

Sometimes we try to protect our heart more than love itself, and this is more important than what we can feel. Love is a perfect bond, an undeserved gift, a genuine smile, a hot drink on a winter afternoon. The heart is only a container and, generally, it remains small to contain such a feeling.

It is necessary, then, to distribute love in many containers, so that it does not get lost. Because what is the use of having love if it is spoiled, if you keep it incorrectly, if you do not share it in time?

Aha, do you see? By the way, you have to deposit love in clean containers, because it can be contaminated. First we must cleanse the heart of all bitterness, of all depression, of all discouragement, resentment, also of anger and jealousy so that there love can produce life again. If not, it becomes a plastic, processed, pre-made, feigned, unreal, imperfect love.

The curious thing about love is how difficult it is for us to understand it, but that's the fun: you do not have to understand it, just receive it. Love itself does all the work:

Love casts out fear.

Love does not hurt people.

Love forgives once and up to two more . As many times as necessary.

Love can not be hidden.

Love is how God manifests in us.

Love makes us eternal.

Love is like that ... and it's beautiful!

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