This is first of many post from me.

Hi and hello.IMG_20160301_130724.jpg
After my husband @Gyldenhorn startet on Steemit about 2 moths ago, he has been wery keen for me to try also.
I am no writer but I am giving it a go :)

A littlebit about me: as said before, I am married to Gyldenhorn and got 2 beautiful girls along the way. The oldest one just turned 18 years, and in Norway that is the legal age and a hole new experiens for us parents. We have to accept that she is out drinking withs friends (not all the time), and as a parent this is scary. Is she going to be allright? Are she behaving or does she do the same things as we wore doing in our young age? I hope not :) haha
Anyway, this is probably going to be a blog for later. Our yongest dougher just turned 14 year. She also is a handfull, but wery entertaininge.
I also after a long time working in the ambulanse service wantet to do something else. So I went back to school to learn math and naturesience to earn my degree from highschool. I did not finish many years ago because my love to my housband resoluted in have that 18 year old "lady" mentioned earlier.
As an grown lady it is a dawnting experiens with having to deal with homework and test. So far I am managing. I do all this things to get a higher degree, not knowing what that will be though.
Resently my interest has been photography, many of my post will be pictures taken mostly lokal in Norway, but also from our travels around the world.
This is from the Old town in Fredrikstad.

I also like sewing and knitting. Sinse half of the year i Norway are pretty cold we need hobbys to do inside, and the family gaines from this.
Last but not least we have a dog, Belgium sheepdog. She has a old viking name, Frøya, and she is almost 9 years old. A good compagnion for walks in the woods and an ekstra doorbell if we do not hear the one we mounted on the wall.
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