Looking good!

While I still write my posts in English, I try my best to seek out fellow Norwegians on Steemit as I'm the only steemer in my group of real life friends at the moment. My quest has proved somewhat fruitful, and I'm currently a «student» at #Steemitskolen, learning about formatting posts and how Steemit works.

As an added bonus, @babsboard, a Fredrikstad-based shop, rewarded one of my comments in #Steemitskolen with a t-shirt, shown below. And of course, they threw a couple of instant cocoa sachets in the envelope before they shipped it, because that's what they do!

My shipment:


Me in my new t-shirt:


The Steemit logo changed recently, so now I can wear this ancient relic and really look like I was on Steemit «before it was cool». Like a steemster. Hipsmit. Hipsteemer. My grandchildren will love to hear the stories.

Thank you, @babsboard, for being pioneers in the Norwegian Steemit-community!

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