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Nootropics Update

So its been 7 days since i started taking Noopept and there is not a huge amount i can tell you guys, its exactly what i was expecting. I have noticed that i have a lot more motivation in the first few hours of the day, i am really not a morning person, as well an improvement in concentration and stress management however i'm not sure if that is the nootropics doing that or whether its me thinking its the nootropics and pushing myself into new, complicated situations to see how it all pans out.
To begin with i didn't feel like the Noopept was doing what it was supposed to do, this 'instant' stimulation was nowhere to be seen, i stuck with it for a couple days and still no 'Limitless' style side effects but lets be real here, that was never going to happen. I have however felt like i'm having these in deep thoughts at random times during the day, the kind where you have a really simple situation in front of you but start thinking about 10 different ways to get around this situation and to be totally honest i'm not entirely sure that is a positive!

Noopept is absolutely having a positive effect on my day-to-day life, i have this clear mind kind of freedom which allows to to evaluate any in depth situation then immediately move on to the next thing. Days seem to fly by! One final thing i have noticed is that if i take a pill after lunchtime i have trouble sleeping, my mind just runs wild, i have started writing down any thoughts i have whilst my mind is in this state. Has anyone else had effects like this? any response will be appreciated.