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A Personal Praragraph


No one took me seriously when I was living in Hyde Park, as a single mom on welfare. No one gave me a second glance, police, fact, I had to prove my abuse to get a man who was gone for months, my daughter's dad, just to get him out of the house after he assaulted me. I hope we are moving forward, calling these rich high profile assholes out, but what about the the abuse of power, or lackadaisical attitude the police have about domestic violence. I know it's frustrating to see people go back into tortuous relationships, but I was literally grilled in a hospital after I was raped and strangled by my daughter's dad. I couldn't remember what hand he strangled me with because I was fighting for my life. They grilled me beyond belief and refused to kick him out of my apartment. If Police are bounded by law, can we change the damn laws? He was never on my lease, but, still, they had to wait until they were able to serve him papers and get out, which they had to do in person, and it wasn't #1 one on their agenda. So, he robbed my daughter and I, and prevented me from being able to get our daughter clothing. I hope things change, not just for the powerful, but for the everyday domestic violence that KILLS women and children on an hourly basis in this country.