NO MANS SKY............More like my Fiances Sky!!!

No Man's Sky is a generated by a math problem using fractals in nature. It pretty much makes up each planet in its vast galaxy using this equation. Its probably one of the most beautiful game worlds I've ever seen, especially knowing that it was designed on the fly. My Fiance has been waiting patiently since June to play.........she did not take the delay very well. She is probably the most attentive mother.....almost too much......and the kids have never been pushed to the side for a game. The delay came during the months we were kid free, over the summer; but did she pick up Fallout 4, NOPE.....she played literally nothing all summer, and was counting the days until the kids returned. Well, this weekend, she come up to me as we are leaving for town and asks......"We should preorder No Man's Sky while we are out.....", I respond with the face that means, I'm not spending 60 bucks. I had it already coming from Amazon, she is the best mother, and when the kids are asleep, she can explore til her hearts content.
After coming home from work and installing the update patch, I started the game. She took the controller at 7:48 p.m. eastern standard time. I figured I would give her some quiet time to get familiar with the layout, controls, and so forth.......and I told the kids to come out in the yard while I cut some grass. After giving her about 45 minutes I come inside to her with the biggest smile I've ever seen on her. Zoie and I have been together for going on 3 years, She never smiles like this, she was literally glowing. I bribed the kids with icecream to leave mommy to her game......they would wonder in and ask if they could play.......she would say soon.....soon didn't come last night, and the kids eventually went to sleep to "Rookie of the Year" on VHS.
I came out a couple times over the night to see how her progress was going. I was "ALLOWED" to play when she took a cigarette break. The 14 minutes of cigarette break, gameplay that I enjoyed definitely has me excited to get her and kids out of the house long enough to start a game. The reviews of people calling it boring..........well.....I guess we are boring, because that disc isn't coming out of the PS4 any time soon. Anyone looking for something that could actually be played as a family, bc you don't have kids talking over spoken dialogue and heavy action all the's space exploration plain and simple.....and crafting with a entire periodic table of elements.......I don't see how that could be boring.

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