NOBEL tokens is here to support charity projects | #nobel

Hello Steemitians, this post I would like to dedicate to one special project. Most of you already heard the story of Alfred Nobel. By his invention of the dynamite, he earned a tremendous amount of money and then he decided, that he will use part of it for goodwill.

Alfred Nobel, in his will, decided that his assets would be invested in a fund and from the interest it gives annual award prizes for significant scientific discoveries, literary works and contributions to world peace. This prize includes financial reward and its called Nobel Prize.


So, back to the present time. For those, who dedicated some of their Steemit posts to some charity purposes, now there is great chance to use more tools by using special tags and earn some extra tokens, which could be used for those purposes.

When you will write some charity post in the future, use not only the tag #charity or #donation but also #nobel.

If you want to support other charity projects, but you are not about to write about one, just buy some NOBEL tokens through and those who earned them and selling them on the market will get STEEM to support their projects.


You can also then send NOBEL tokens to those people, who support some charity so they can use those for their work.

NOBEL tokens can be also staked, so then when you upvote articles from yop support them with some NOBEL tokens.

NOBEL tokens mechanism, the NOBEL-Token Whitepaper

If you want to know more about this project by @achimmertens, check the whitepaper of NOBEL token. Special thanx goes to @fucho80, from whom I get the info about this initiative.


In my opinion, NOBEL token is a great initiative to help the community support goodwill and charity projects in an easy way. As in other tribes and tokens created on Steem-Engine, the economy must work for the project and not against it. If it will, then it's a perfect sign for all who use it for a good purpose. I hope to see the token and the user base of NOBEL growing!

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