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Training for American Ninja Warrior - Day 10


Hello hello!

So, ah, this was my very first glimpse of the ads on Steemit... they disappeared as soon as I logged in... and I have no problems with ads... but, ah, did this have to be my very first one?

I had no idea Ashley Madison even still existed. since ah, they got hacked, the details of everyone released to the public, and people worked out that there were no actual women on the site:

Buuuuut, now that I've googled that.... well, sigh.

Anyway!! Let's get into it!

After figuring out that leg day before sprinting day goes squarely in the dumb idea box, I've made today's training all of the upper bodies and none of the lower bodies. Seems smart.

I'm just very slowly and carefully doing any sort of grip strength work. The fear is that gripping stuff will negatively affect my right elbow. Who knew that holding stuff in your hand would require a tendon attached to the elbow. Bodies are weird!

So I did two exercises today specifically for grip strength.

The dead hang (you just hang from a bar - surprisingly difficult). I had intended to do 40 seconds each set, but I think I was barely getting 10 seconds.

The next exercise was carrying a 50kg kettle bell. I'd only carry it 20 steps with each hand, and I was nervous about it... but the elbow seems fine afterwards. I'll know tomorrow if I've gotten away with it.

Hmm, looks like I need a heading for upper body strength...

Will this do?


How about this?

Better... but not as relevant as I'd like...

Upper Body (or something)

Alright I did:

  • 6 slow push ups
  • Adapted pull ups... I had my feet on the ground, my body at 45 degree angle and would pull myself to standing/90 degrees
  • Assisted pull ups with a band

The assisted pull ups are feeling really good. Slight elbow twinge at one point, but I adjusted my form and felt okay again.

I really, really like how this program really targets all the areas of the core. Not just the abs. I did these a few hours ago and definitely feeling some sore muscles in my back already.


Such a mess today as well... basically I ran out of food... and because I'm in the country with no car... and my partner ended up working late, I was rushing to the shops at 7:30pm, hoping to have all my eating done by 8pm for my intermittent fasting window. None of it happened... I was so hungry that I had some bread rolls (defo not in my diet) and then had some proper food once I got back home at 8:30pm... not ideal, but yeah, need to get back into the swing of being more organised.

As soon as I hit submit I'm going off to do my stretches and flexibility training. I'm super tired and my gal has already gone to bed, but it's so part of my routine now that I can't even imagine skipping it. Stretching for the win!

Images created by amazing Steemians Skyleap and Ryivhnn