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The Other Side of a ChurchGirl

Today has been beautiful starting from my exciting chat with some online guy to a less hectic day, and above all, to availability of enough time to visit the sweetest part of my world; my fantasy.

'Single and available to be found'in the real world but totally immersed in love with the man in my mind.

His profile: fluent and soft speaking, smart, diligent and presentable gentle man in private employment. That's to the public. To me, the list continues; highly sensitive, mildly muscular, moderately built masculine body and a jaw dropping facial cuteness with a set of lips which will experience the mesmerizing feel of the features of my mouth. To spice it up, a ChurchMan, to ryme my ChurchGirl personality... A total creation of my mind, while out, I wander if he does exist! But who cares, he serves his purpose while not available. Not all though, but as much as I can be satisfied for the moment.
I choose to call him Femi, for my love for the Yorubas' in Nigeria.

The girl has never actually felt drown to boys, she likes them all grown and mature, but far away from old!

I sometimes get to see some really cute guy matching my mind's man and with that, I take off to wonderland. I wander sometimes if they get tired from all the role they play in my imagination!

Then my phone rings, and it's a call from home, harsh and hard and resolute and without consideration:
"You are coming home the day after tomorrow! Find out the costs before tomorrow and get ready. And you will be transferred from Lagos to Abuja. It's a unanimous decision and there is nothing you can do about it".

My heart breaks... I have fantasized about being in Lagos, achieving the basic aim and meeting my Femi [as if I have made plans and made an appointment with him]. Non of these have I achieved yet and the call to leave has been made. I have imagined meeting him in this very same Lagos and with all these now, what do I do?

I did meet with some Femi though (thanks to Budodo) and he has been the object of my fantasy since then. Femi fits in the place of my mind's man though not completely... Then we met, not just us but with another and another and another and yet more regrettably, with a bunch of others who were all too blind to see a woman in dear need of some alone time with the man of her mind! How could they have been so blind? I can bet it was outright wickedness!

There I was, sitting so close to my fantasy but my he was far away from me. So far that I couldn't slide my hands into his as I always desired, neither could I kiss out the words from his mouth like I wished. I got him talking but was I even listening? I was immersed in the thought of what we would have been doing if we were left alone by these mean people. He seem to be an actual quite man and I wouldn't force him to be otherwise. I would just help translate his words in to action, all on my body.

Just as though he knew, my favorite sight is a large body of water left alone in peace in a serene environment and that's all I needed to travel into my favorite place deep within my soul. And though the air was filled with noise, I still found my self alive at it, straight away I moved, far away from the distraction of anything or anyone else. I moved with my Femi.
We sat across each other on a table with our feet meeting and touching while we made formal introduction of ourselves with our mouths to each other, but our bodies was already introduced long before they met. By every sip of the liquor in my glass my desire to steal him yet again to more privacy in real life mounted. While he was looking at the pretty lady set before him like a buffet, I was busy, I'd drawn closer to him, ripping his shirt off with my eyes and using my fingers to trace the moulds of muscles built all around his chest, calculatively landing them on the muscle moulds where his tiny nipples were craftily placed by his creator. Putting those nipples between my thumb and index, and giving it some gentle massage while looking passionately into his eyes,i could see that he had a fire burning his inside. My joy escalated, he was burning for me. I knew instantly that his reciprocation was not far away and while I was lost in that joy, he drew me with such force as only passion can give, into his arm allowing our bodies meet and resting my self in those strong arms and finding my way to his ears with my mouth, nibbling on them, I felt safe. But that was just the beginning of my satisfaction as my sweet fantasy pulled me out of his bosom, graped me by my arms with so much strength and gentleness that can only be like the to that of a craftsman at his job, he looked into my eyes deeply, moved his hands to my face, tracing the features of my lips, he placed my head between the two, and brought his head down, cover to my face, and planted the long desired and waited kiss on my lips, he used his tongue to open my mouth firmly but gently and found his way to my tongue, letting his slide on mine in the most sensitive and mildest way ever and having every product of passion coming from it, I felt chills run down my spine, my feet uddenly became so light and I felt melting from my insides, he moved his one of his hands to my waist as though to support my melting body and the other in to my hair, holding on tightly to me, he muttered some words in to my ears, "this is more than a fantasy, I want you"... Nothing makes me more turned on than the knowledge that my fantasy also fantasizes about me. I was flabbergasted! Without words, I pressed my frontiers against his chest and he held me, smooching my bare back skin and making move to hit cloud 9, then came the voice;
"Baby girl, why are you so quite!"
I jolted out of my sweetness sad when I realised it was only an imagination!