Hi! this is my genesys nft on NFT Showroom.

Very happy to place this my first post on PeakD Blog also commenting on my first nft on NFT Showroom.
I decided to call it "The low bits chips of the time's room". For me, there was a time when personal computers were just another object in a person's room. Back then, hyperreality had not yet arrived. Only with time travel could we understand such a world. Time travel is impossible now, but who knows if aliens will teach us someday.
Although some parts of the illustration seem to be assisted by 3D programs, (in particular the watch the woman is holding) this piece was done entirely in a 2D illustration program (Krita Paint). It was not easy to decide on NFTShowroom value and auction time. I managed to find a price for my nft after a lot of reviewing prices of other pieces and reflecting on the time invested in the illustration and of course evaluating that it could be an attractive price for the secondary market. The reaction on Twitter has been generous in the sense that it has been shared more than I expected. This whole process has served as an initiation for me to take this first auction as a valuable experience about what people want within NFT Showroom and the ability I may have to respond to their tendencies. It is not an easy task for me because I have also diferent styles nfts on other crypto marketplaces platforms. I am very pleased and surprised with the NFT Showroom platform, its amazing.


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