Reflections on the future of Music with NFT?


Reflections on the future of Music with NFT?
NFTS in Music

I'm really looking forward to telling the truth about the future of the music business about NFTs.

I see that there is a great potential to both sell items that can be useful for band fans and this can also help bands to reward those who invest in their project not only with their music but also with collectibles that can even be traded.

Bands will improve:
With this I see that weak music projects are in the past, weak in the sense of not generating value for people, after all we all listen to music that brings us messages we like, rhythms and sounds we like, so weak projects I believe that no one will want to invest .

Music Sales and Concert Tickets:
How do I imagine selling music. I believe that because of these last 2 years (2020 and 2021) the music industry was somewhat affected as bands usually do live shows, and I believe this would be the biggest form of income for a band.
With the NFTs coming I don't think they will take space in this way to make money from the bands, but I think it will only add.
I imagine that even if the physical media continue in the market they can even tie it up in some way to the NFTS, for example if I buy a special version of an artist's album I could also receive this album in nft version, even with other collectibles included in the package.
There are a multitude of possibilities to think about.
I already see some collectible projects out there, but I'm really anxious waiting for albums of bands I really like, I can't wait to invest in these projects.
Will there be band marketplaces? This is going to be heaven on earth. Haha

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