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Vy Worlds: Voundation Tales (Ep. 00.1)

“To know The Maker, is to know Vy-self.”

  • Unknown genesis era Bolt

After the detonation of the Skell bomb, then came the Fragmentation. This was a dark time in the Vy-Verse. Parts of The Maker themselves had been corrupted, some had been removed entirely, and others are believed to have been released into the Vy-Verse as a way for The Maker to experience their creations instead of merely observing them. Regardless of belief though, The Maker has not been seen since the Fragmentation all that time ago. Their disappearance, since then, has just become another passing fact of life for the Vy.

For lack of a better word, factions have formed in the strongest of ways. There are those that are faithful to The Maker and believe in their return to bring peace and harmony back to the Vy-Verse, they’ve organized into what is called the Vounder’s Order, a reference to the genesis Vy that helped create the Vy-Verse. They thank The Maker for the good in their lives and view the struggles as a lesson to be learned or a message being sent through time to them by their creator. Equally, yet opposite, there are those of another faith. A faith in chaos, dominion over all Vy, and the absolution of the Rag-N-Bones Covenant. Followers of this faith are of course, mostly of the modern era Skelly Vy. While NOT all Skelly follow Rag-N-Bones, their home capital of Skell follows their philosophy as its doctrine. Like the “defecting” Skell, there are even a few corrupted Bolts that have been clouded enough to follow this faith and support their cause.

In its current state, we have a Vy-Verse torn apart by disagreement, misunderstanding, and corruption. At the heart of it all is the leader of the Rag-N-Bones; Marrow! Easily the most unfeeling being in the Vy-Verse, Marrow desires conflict, he feeds off of misery, and wants nothing more than to conquer all Vy, though he’s known to often single out Bolts with unknown motives. It’s stated in the Rag-N-Bones mission that they serve a master similar to The Maker in description only. They call this entity “The Unvounder”; an entity of nothingness. An endless void that possess no life, it takes and does not give back. Marrow claims to have a direct link of communication to The Unvounder. Coupling this with his reputation of not being the most friendly of Vy-kind explains why he’s grown to such great power. He’s amassed a following, demands respect, and rules with fear. The society of Skell is very much like that of a brutal monarchy, ruthless dictator and all.

The Vounder’s Order is located in the Bolt capital of Sanctuary. This is a bustling city that is home to many Bolts and is one of the last few strongholds of the order. The city offers freedom with the sense of self responsibility. Each citizen offering up what they can for the community and the defense efforts. Of the many gifts possessed by the Bolts, their ability to take care of others is unparalleled. Being mostly non-confrontational, most of the technology and personnel are defensive in nature or used to detain/restrain their adversaries/assailants. For the most part they believe that all beings are redeemable. At present, instead of balance every Vy feels like things may be coming to a fever pitch as the conflicts increase and the amount of friendly worlds decrease the Order and Vy everywhere know that they will all be faced with the choice of weather to run away, hide until they’re inevitably beaten, or fight this threat to life and freedom for the better of all living things in the Vy-Verse.