Base now limits the number of missions on a planet level


A quick update: We have just release a new update, which enhances the utility of the Base. Base now limits the number of missions that can be done simultanously on one planet. The number of possible missions is calculated by the following formula:
Number of mission = Base level divided by 2. This means that at level 2 you can do 1 mission, at level 10 you can do 5 missions etc. The number of missions allows is rounded off, so mission control level 11 also allows 5 missions.

The total number of missions continues to be limited by the mission control skill. One other change we have done here however is the fact that we have eliminated the "plus 1" rule for the starter planet. So the global limit for missions is now always "Mission control level x 2". In order to help new players, new users will start with Mission control skill level 1 already.

Stay tuned!

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