Lots of amazing stuff have been added to Nextcolony!!

Lots of amazing stuff just got released on NextColony!

The reward system is about to be implemented, and the Yamato ship is the new central star in the Universe.

Ok, the new patch the @nextcolony team has released is really huge, so let's break it down a little bit:

Exploration Incentives

There have been players complaining about explorations dynamics, they argued that there were not enough incentives for waiting long periods of time and be left empty-handed (because of the dropping low rates) at the end of the day. Well, that's an issue from the past, know players will be able to find some stardust at the end of a successful exploration (i.e. the explorer returns safely to the origin planet).

Also (this is the part I like the most), a new set of laser-class ships have been released! And they will only be available via in-game activities!!

Let's have a look at the brand new spaceships:

Tiny-size Lasser-Class Battle Ships

Scout Minerva

Patrol Cruqal

Cutter Orchis
Small-size Lasser-Class Battle Ships

Corvette Najtar

Frigate Droeel

Destroyer Halgoin
Mid-size Lasser-Class Battle Ships

Cruiser Eceza

Battlecruiser Dejah
Big-size Lasser-Class Battle Ships

Carrier Bhun'il

Dreadnought Zaneel

Burning Planets (a.k.a. @nextcolony buy-back)

The market is not that favorable for you to sell your planet, but you want to get some profit out of it? Users will be able to burn them and get some stardust!.

Thus we can expect to see some fireworks around us lol. The interesting part here is that burning planets is a way for us to get rewards from the game even though no player wants to actually buy the planet from us. Thus it's a way for @nextcolony to buy back the planets you just have spawned.

It's a risky move, it will counter the inflation pressure on the planets numbers, but it also will add pressure on the inflation of stardust... we will many sinks for stardust in order to keep things properly balanced.

The burning rates will be as follows:

Planet Type/Rarity Common Uncommon Rare Legendary
Earth 5,000 10,000 30,000 3,000,000
Coal 9,000 15,000 50,000 5,000,000
Ore 10,000 20,000 60,000 6,000,000
Copper 12,000 25,000 70,000 7,000,000
Uranium 15,000 30,000 90,000 9,000,000

New Spawn and respawn area & gifting planet fee

Since our chunk of the universe is already crowded, and big fishes are farming newcomers as there is no tomorrow lol, a new blanket will be spread out for people to go mad and find new planets... already existing players will have an option to sacrifice their alpha planet and start over the new galaxy. But in order to avoid abuse, a fee of 1,000 stardust shall be paid in order to do so.

Also, gifting planets will be charged with a 1,000 stardust fee (multi-account players might not be all that happy with this lol).

These are exciting times to be playing on @nextcolony, see you on the game!

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