When I can see you

I can see you Everytime. I can see you everywhere. In every place in every single time. I can see you in a blood red rose. I can see you in a point of water when it’s dropped. I can see you in the red bright sun, when it comes up from the East. I can see you in the hello moon in a deep lovely night. I can see you in every places. Even, I can feel your breath whenever I sleep. I can feel you in every good thing I can see you in every cute smile. I can see you whenever I see a boat floting Through.


You will never know, how much I fell you. You will never know in which places I see you. You are like a shadow for me. I take you in every single places with me. I see you moving with my eye ball. I fell you in my heart beat. I feel you in my deep sleep and in my midnight dream.

The dream will never be true. Every single dream which was made by us was just like a day dream. How much fool I was. I should have in my mind that nothing can be completed without money and position. I was not a successful man on that time. May be today I am not successful but, I was not a fruad. I was not just an idiot.


Now I know, life is nothing but a short time dream. I even Don't want to be a day dreamer. I Don't want to see you nowadays. But, what could I do??!! You are in my heart still now and I can't remove you. May be, the delete button is lost. I Don't know how much time Will I have to be burn in this silent fire. But, I am totally fade up. When I see you on my platform I see you just like you were four years ago. But, I know I shouldn’t.


So, it’s better I can forget every moment. Life and dream could be easily broken. I am now a broken person but I will come back strongly tomorrow morning, trust me.

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