Blackwashing history

The pretended replacement of white people for black and mixed people is not only happening in Europe. It's happening everywhere socialism happens.

Today is the anniversary of the death of María Teresa del Toro, the first wife of Liberator Simón Bolívar. Both were very white and Spanish looking folks as you can see from the portrait of their wedding. He was born in Venezuela and she had been born in Spain. They were both very rich. She is notable for having been very much loved by Bolívar, who didn't remarry once she died 8 months after their marriage from yellow fever.

So, some state controlled accounts made posts in celebration of this anniversary as the figure of Simón Bolívar is a very important one for this government. However, two notable things happened. Some accounts used a picture of his mistress, Manuelita Sáenz:

And yet other accounts used a new artistic reinterpretation of María Teresa del Toro, where she looks browner and tropical:

It is interesting they used the original painting of his wedding and went ahead and pasted that new portrait which I had never seen prior to this date. It is obvious that they are trying to replace the original representation of María Teresa del Toro in people's minds by using this fake. It's the same thing they did with the Liberator himself when they unburied his bones and made some "scientist/artist" come up with this portrait:

Which looks nothing like his parents:

Which doesn't really matter when you are openly trying to re-write history.

The only difference is that there's no much of an opposition here to this. Educated people are few and they are fleeing the country. Uneducated folks who like in a cardboard house don't care too much about facts. That is also why they are calling her a "brave revolutionary woman" when she was filthy rich and when she didn't even live long enough to see her husband become the Liberator. At that time Bolívar wasn't even thinking about that and some say that her death caused, to some extent, his personal investment in politics.

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