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Three babby planents hanging around stars discovered by astronomers.

Whith the help of the worlds most expensive
Ground based telescope,two teams of astronomers are convicted thatthey have found not one but three babby planets.

The young planets orbit a star called HD 163296, which islocated about 330 million light years away from us constellastion of stagttarious.

Itsthe first time the $1.4 billon atacama large
milimeter/submilimeter array ( ALMA)
Telescope have discoved new planets,thanks to anew technique to hunt them down.

Both two teams astronomers looked to unusual patters of flow of gas within planet forming disc around a young star.

They studiedthe slread of carbon monoxide eithin the disc observing the wavelenth of light emitted from the molucules of the gas which reveal how it was moving around it.


