End Game


In late 2019 events in China began to radically change the world we live in, while I remained blissfully unaware. Only in early 2020 as I recovered from a heart attack did I begin to see what was happening.

Video produced in China was showing people dropping dead in mid-stride, blood gushing from their mouth and nose. People seizing, reduced to quivering moments of mortality as they died of a terrifying disease humanity had never seen before. In short order the theory that a bioweapon had escaped the nearby BSL-4 facility in Wuhan, and a bewildering dance of misinformation and terrorism played out on Youtool, in every media outlet, and in the confused and frightened discussions of people around the world.


People were brutally stacked like cordwood, welded into apartment buildings where whole communities howled into the night, like ghosts of flesh; doomed spirits wolfishly lamenting their deaths to the moon. Armed with automatic weapons, men in doctor's scrubs bestrode empty streets, and whispers of missing millions of cell phone accounts whirled in a maelstrom of rumor that so many dead had fallen that mobile military crematoria were surreptitiously adding their capacity to the overwhelmed facilities already in place.

China bragged of building huge hospitals in days solely for the dying and all out fears were exponentially multiplied as we were told that millions of probable vectors of this plague had dispersed to the ends of the Earth during the Chinese holidays while the corrupt and secretive CCP had suppressed every scrap of information that could have saved our lives, if only we had known.


We all saw the image of the brave young doctor that had defied his totalitarian overlords to let us know of our impending doom, who died gasping futilely for his last breath despite his perfect health in the prime of his life at 34. Fleets of novel trucks fumigated every man, woman, child and surface of Wuhan with some unknown disinfectant and reports of new centers of infection arose around the world.


Scientists rushed to study this new and deadly plague, rushing papers into print with revelations of unprecedented fatality rates, virulence, and devastating and bizarre symptoms capable of destroying every organ and tissue in the human body.

Claim and counterclaim, of bioweapon or natural source, of politicians failing completely, or over-reacting, to quell the risk, the blues excoriated the reds for closing borders, and the reds mocked the blues for hugging campaigns in Italy and parades in blue cities. Laymen everywhere struggled to read strings of A's, C's, T's and G's and the incomprehensible jargon of virologists that made every possible pronouncement of potential plague and utter doom for civilization, trying to save their lives, their families and communities, and even humanity itself from terrifying, bloody doom.


Surgeon's General claimed masks didn't work, and that medical personnel needed them to fight this new plague, in the same sentence. We were all ordered to wear vaxipads on our faces anyway. Pictures surfaced of the WHO and government officials around the world slavishly kow-towing to Xi Jinping, while trust in our plague doctors plummeted to depths previously reserved for elected officials and journalists.


No potential vector of fear was neglected as government mouthpieces spewed every horror spawned of fever dreams, proclaimed as our certain doom. Foci of genocide appeared in satellite photos of Iran and N. Korea filling mass graves. Unprecedented quarantines of the healthy locked people around the world up under house arrest, mass hysteria caused hoarding of food and, in an eldritch farce, Americans became notorious for the toilet paper they stocked up.

Hawks demanded China be nuked into a plain of glass, while investigations leaked that America had paid labs around the world to weaponize bat viruses. Failed experimental trials of vaccines for coronaviruses such as SARS, MERS, and RSV causing ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) in subjects, causing worse disease and more deaths, were lamented.

At the same time masses of apparently sincere protesters burned down America and proof of agents provocateurs and of the police leaving pallets of bricks where protests would follow preceded seizures of American neighborhoods by anarchists forming collectives. Police stations were burned down, and Taiwanese students defied water cannons and bullets with umbrellas and mesh networks of cell phones, while in every corner of the world the unholy combination of tyrannical governments and lying propagandists used terrorism to cow their outraged populations, at least those that weren't banned outright for dissent.


Hospitals cancelled and banned every elective procedure and squads of deputized nurses wriggled on Tik Tok while true believers professed their undying fealty to their bedpan servitors with teary eyes and hands on their hearts. Such depopulation was ongoing as frank testimonies of hospital workers in weeping anxiety proclaimed they couldn't go on anymore, couldn't face the endless parade of dying, gasping, mothers and fathers of newly orphaned hordes.

Governments around the world imposed the most draconian tyrannies and abandoned every pretense that people had any rights, running down Aussies with cop cars because they weren't wearing masks, stuffing the infected into nursing homes crammed with already dying seniors in New York and California, while travel became the worst crime against humanity possible as flights and cruise ships were claimed to be turning passengers into virtual petri dishes inoculated by their fellow travelers without hope of survival. Unless, of course, you were rich.

The corrupt pharmaceutical companies that had serially been convicted of every fraud and crime potential to the industry producing multi-billion dollar fines suddenly were tapped to be our saviours, Bill Gates leering at we pre-corpses with vial in one hand and needle in the other, even as Kenya, India, and third world countries demanded his head for sterilizing millions, giving tens and hundreds of thousands of hapless children polio and crippling diseases with vaccines forced on uncomprehending parents incapable of meaningful consent.


Orange Man Bad announced Operation Warp Speed to save us all with the panacea Bill Gates and the absolutely completely safe products of Big Pharma, once they were completely indemnified for any kind or form of harm any vaccine they made could conceivably cause. Anti vaxxers were vilified as war criminals bent on genocide if they dared have the least doubt that these ambrosias were pure as the hearts of angels. Calls mounted from a low susurration of the fascist true believers to forcibly inject any who dared to hesitate to surrender their bodies to the unholy triumvirate of Bill Gates genetic coding (legally patented of course), venal and incessantly criminal Big Pharma, and now so totalitarian governments of formerly free people that they made the corpse of Stalin blush.

Today shills across the twattersphere infest every social media platform in unprecedented hordes, berating anyone that doesn't slavishly genuflect to their bullying in the name of science, and cursing them with death by every means horrific should they fail to submit to the jab.


All of this, of course, was preceded by the simulation of a coronavirus just immediately to the actual plague, purely by coincidence. The key finding of that simulation was that disinformation was intolerable, and no words should ever be unapproved by official censors, or fail to be fact checked by political operatives and spooky propagandists funded by CIA cutouts. The growing avalanche of bannings, shadow and instant, unquestionable, secret and without appeal became a juggernaut of censorship even silencing the former President of the United States of America after an election so obviously fraudulent, of a candidate absolutely incapable of forming sentences, even with teleprompters, whose rallies were overwhelmingly unattended, except by the empty vehicles of car dealerships, and whose incessant sniffing of children at every opportunity was marked by their squirming attempts to escape his claw-like talons and withered lips.


Normal! This is all normal now, we are told, as vaccine passports are imposed across the formerly free world that even now erupts in protests. In America the Pretendent elect beseeches the UN to come and wear their pretty blue helmets to investigate racism, while he orders FEMA, whose COG internment camps yet remain empty save for the tens of millions of ready coffins, to go door to door to 'inform' us vaccines are ready and waiting, like hot housewives in your area without strings attached.

Half of America has no job, and trillions of dollars of UBI replace actual economically productive activity, bribing us into dull witted compliance with shiny digits in our growing bank accounts. The stock markets are exploding with impossible inflows of QE conjured out of thin air by our absolutely trustworthy national banks, so known for their prudence and selfless dedication to the well being of the common man, as we forget that identity politics destroyed Occupy Wall Street from within less than a decade ago.


Just take the jab, we are told. Only demented paranoid schizophrenics could even imagine injection with novel RNA mechanisms is the least bit risky. Such dumb. So much selfish. So crime against humanity to even hesitate, they project. Not a peep from our media noting that the Nuremberg trials righteously proclaimed that forcing people to undergo medical experimentation absent their fully informed consent was the real crime against humanity, that forcibly injecting the whole world with experimental genetic therapy is literally the crime of genocide.


Today we know that Covid19 doesn't cause anyone to seize up and keel over in the street, instantly dead. Blood doesn't spew from the mouths and noses of the dying. The sham numbers of dead out of China just stopped increasing one day. Hospitals were never overflowing, in fact masses of doctors and nurses were laid off because there was no work for them. The horrible fatality rate from the disease is ~.02%, or less if you're under 80, and the CDC has stated that number is ~20x higher than the actual deaths caused by Covid19.

China produced and broadcast to the world a complete fabrication, nothing but theater. Not alone, but completely in coordination with the media, corporations, and governments of the free world. We see them participating in that Kabuki theater every day they don't point to that deception and decry it. If I pointed it out on Twatter today I'd be banned (if I hadn't long ago already been). They print no retractions of that sham they participated in. They don't want you to remember it now that you know better, now that you only have to look to see it was a complete hoax, a lie, and the worst act of terrorism in history.

This is not a theory. You saw it happen. Goolag can delete the videos, the NY Times the articles, and research papers can be retracted so history can't understand why the world went insane in 2020, but it's fresh in our minds today. We don't need to see those videos again. We cannot forget them.

What is in the jab? I dunno. I know that in recent years researchers have been discussing coding using DNA, even using DNA as digital media storage medium. I know that Bill Gates is a genius at writing code, and then quit writing computer code a decade ago to work on vaccines, and now we see him at the forefront of this imposition of the first of the new 'vaccines' that aren't vaccines at all, because unlike all previous vaccines they aren't live attenuated viruses, or dead ones. New coronavirus variants are emerging, and, of course, new biologically active devices based on genetic code (that's what they are, rather than vaccines) will be forced on us. We know these treatments are the equivalent of leaky vaccines, in that they do not prevent infection, do not kill the virus, do not prevent transmission of the virus, but do suppress symptoms, exactly the way Marek's disease was transformed by a leaky vaccine from a mild reduction in profitability of factory farming chickens, into a deadly plague no unvaccinated fowl survives today.


We know that our genetic code is copied and reproduced, that bits can be spliced in, or chopped out. We know genetic coding is happening, and Bill Gates is the completely altruistic messiah that has sacrificed his fortune to save us all with his specific skill set.

Oh, wait. Perhaps such a description of Bill Gates is slightly optimistic.

Every single bit of this post is a litany of red flags that anyone intent on their freedom and survival would see as a wall of nope, were it not for the psychological assault that has been committed against us. From the first outrageous pretended leaks out of China, to the heinous horde of shills cajoling us, bullying us, and threatening us on every censored, untrustworthy, fact-chucking social media platform and news corporation today, in numbers larger than have ever before been deployed for any reason, probably more than all prior propaganda pushes combined, it is pure, criminal, malevolent terrorism.


I don't think the multiphasic biological agent is complete in the first round of vaccines. It would not fail to warn the billions of people that yet refuse to submit to the jab if those people that did get it died in droves. Even so we see miscarriages, concentration of the spike protein in ovaries and testes, and blood clots in a reported majority tested for it, even if most of the vaxxed aren't suffering noticeable symptoms yet. Even incomplete, this first component of the multiphasic active device is the most deadly 'vaccine' in history, more deadly already than all prior vaccines in history combined.


There will be boosters. I don't think this first part will compare to what is intended to come of the completed code insertions.

But while I am speculating regarding a multiphasic genetic alteration, the absolute certainty that the initial blast of terrorism that started this whole plandemic coming out of China was completely and utterly theaterrorism should stop you in your tracks if you are capable of rubbing two brain cells together.

China didn't fool the world with hordes of healthy victims perishing in the streets of sudden seizures in a rogue departure from the international order. We see that the policies of the national governments of the world, and the massively profiting transnational corporations, most visibly the media blasting our brains with unadulterated adulteration, are acting in lockstep, just as predicted in the document published roughly a decade ago by NGOs funded by the Rockefellers.

The shills insist the hospitals were overwhelmed, but thousands of doctors tell us they were laid off for lack of work, even as governments everywhere refuse to adjust the reported numbers of deaths in accordance with the CDC's admission that no more than 6% of the deaths attributed to Covid19 could have been caused by Covid19.

94% of the claimed deaths were bullshit, and still are. Most that did die were the very old and sick, mostly grossly obese diabetics with COPD or heart or other organ failure, which the flu or common cold would have killed just as readily as a hammer to the head. In 2020 flu and other illnesses dropped off a cliff, seemingly cured by Covid19. Proof of people dying in car crashes and motorcycle wrecks being labeled Covid19 is available in the public record.


All you have to do is realize any ONE of these things to know beyond a doubt that you are being tricked to get you to accept the jab. Is that the act of saviours? No. Criminals scam you.

Covid19 isn't a plague. It's an IQ test. If you can't look at the litany of lies, manipulation, and tyranny that's happened for the last couple of years and see that beyond the shadow of a doubt you have reason to protect yourself from this imposition of global tyranny, then you fail the test.


We've seen what they're willing to do. They're willing to destroy your city, your neighborhood, and you, with mobs of rampaging racists and thugs, and now federal FEMA troops and the UN are being called in. History's dead warn us from the grave. Mao's Great Leap Forward. Stalin's Purge of the Kulaks. The Holodomor. The Killing Fields. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the seeming permanent genocide in the Middle East, not to mention the transformation of the wealthiest country in Africa into a shattered mishmash of warlord's fiefs with open air slave markets.

Conspiracy theorist you say? Ok. I absolutely acknowledge that I have spent a lot of time considering all this evidence and coming to the conclusion that the best explanation is some form of global conspiracy. I'll add that the majority of criminal charges prosecuted by the FBI are conspiracy charges. That is because conspiracies actually exist. They happen all the time, and that's proved by the fact of the FBI winning the vast majority of cases it prosecutes.

Conspiracies are two or more criminals that agree to commit crimes by working together. If you dare, if you have the courage to actually think counter to the propaganda you have suffered all your life, to think about these facts with an open mind and a critical intent, you will not be able to avoid knowing that a conspiracy is being committed against you.

Start with China, and the first reports that there was a disease there. Look at the symptoms, at the claims that were made. They are absolutely bullshit. There is no resemblance to what we now know Covid19 does. The only explanation for that is a massive deception intended to terrify the world.

It worked. But knowing now that it was nothing but theater defangs the whole scam. The lockdowns only worked because you didn't know then what you know now. Now you know it's a lie. But it's a lie they crashed the global economy to tell you. It's a lie they desperately want you to believe.

The last thing you need to look at is the Nuremberg code and the absolute forbidding of forced medical experimentation against the will of subjects. Why? Because that's coming. The infrastructure is being prepared right now, everywhere in the world, as each jurisdiction prepares it's laws and medical establishment to implement forced injection of every dissenter. Vaccine passports are now the reality in France, Greece, and other places. FEMA has been promised to come door to door in America - and if you think they're coming to talk you're neglecting the expense they've already gone to.

I have been in threads where obviously paid shills have used every technique to bully, cajole, and threaten anyone that disagrees with them, end by promising it will be forced if we don't submit, and state they want dissenters dead.

I am absolutely certain that given the totality of the evidence, not even all of which I have cited herein, they will use force because they are terrorists, not saviours. Saying no is not enough when armed FEMA agents are at your door to jab you. Saying no didn't stop any of the pogroms in history, and it's not going to now.

Vaccine passports will be demanded to enter public space, including public roads. You won't be driving without one soon. You won't be buying food or any products or services, and your bank will close your account and take your money. Crypto will be censored. It will take time to implement these plans, but the completion date of this project is 2030. They don't have much time, and neither do you.

Remember that the stated goal of UN Agenda 30 is a global population of ~500M. They won't allow your rights, your nationality, or laws to prevent their success. No pogrom ever was lawful, just, or fair.

This is a global conspiracy to commit genocide through crimes against humanity by indisputably criminal actors, such as Bill Gates, the pharmaceutical companies, the media, and government. I intend to defeat those enemies.

I am not going to do that alone.

When you realize that your life is on the line, you will need to defend it. Prepare now. Don't leave it until later. Be ready when the time comes, and I won't stand alone against the technocratic global empire rising to turn us all into...something other than free people.

I won't be alone. Will you?

P.S. In the last few days military occupation has been implemented in Victoria, Australia. Massive numbers of troops have placed the civilian population under house arrest and armed guard. This is not a drill.

Do not wait to prepare until it happens where you live.

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