What Will Happen to Steemit Once a Global Entity Controls ICANN?

Unless you live in North Korea or watch some of fyrstikken's videos, you may not be aware of the fact that, we're all doomed! To further this evidence of our doom, recently United States President Barack Obama has decreed that he will, unconstitutionally, give control of ICANN to a global entity, likely the United Nations, in less than six weeks.

What will happen to Steemit.com if China or Russia control the Internet's basic functions, which the USA has kept "free" up until this time? This move reportedly is being done to deflate some of the anger surrounding the revelations of Edward Snowden, that the NSA was spying on foreign leaders.

President Obama wants America to surrender the root zone file of the Internet, otherwise known as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). But the Internet is not President Obama's to just give away. Yet that's what is being proposed in this misguided, if not illegal, policy despite the efforts of Ted Cruz and Sean Duffy who introduced the "Protecting Internet Freedom Act", in what is billed as an effort prevent the transfer without Congressional approval.

In a misinformed article, David Post (Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute) rejected concerns of elected officials saying that the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) transfer was nothing but a ...

“termination of a series of contracts"


“the file is intangible information… nobody owns that file — get used to it. It’s not the Panama Canal.”

The problem with that assertion is that the “series of contracts” states precisely the opposite on pages 30 and 31 of the IANA / Department of Commerce contract. Someone does own the file, and it is the U.S. Government. It clearly states that all deliverables are the property of the United States. That includes the most recently released and edited root zone file.

The only thing David Post got right was the fact that the Internet is not the Panama Canal. It is far more important and valuable; it is the Internet.

Recently "Black Pigeon Speaks" talked on this issue. Here is the video for those that prefer to have their information delivered to their ear-holes.

What are your thoughts on the matter?

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