Two cops and a civilian shot down - Christiania

That is what it would ultimately take for the locals of Christiania in Denmark to turn their passive aggression towards the worlds biggest outdoor illegal cannabis market, into a regular fight against it.
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The incident that might have set the base for, what could be, the end of a decades long struggle between what once was considered a harmless community of hippies, and the Danish government, was a tragic event costing the life of a policeman and the perpetrator, while another policeman and a civilian was hit by shots, but not lethally.

The perpetrator was escaping with money from illegal marijuana sales when undercover officers attempted to arrest him. That is when he pulled a gun he had hidden, and fired several shots at the 2 officers to finally aim the gun at a third victim, shouting 'Are you also a fucking cop!?' shortly before firing another shot and running off.

The government has increasingly put pressure on the sellers and buyers of marijuana on Christiania by performing numerous razzias, including several large-scale operations.
The police even has a special unit, Task Force Pusherstreet, dedicated to handling the investigation of the criminal networks, and to perform undercover arrests.

Despite the official efforts to shut down the illegal market, which is mostly controlled by gangs such as HA (Hells Angels) and Satudarah, the government has frequently hinted that the lawful residents of Christiania should actively partake in the fight against the criminals nesting in their peaceful community.

They have never been more opposed to the criminal activity than now, that is sure to say. Just recently they tore down the cheaply fabricated stands and shops created by the pushers to hide them from view, and to provide an attraction for customers. With this action, they also openly asked all of the Danish people, and tourists as well, that if you really respect Christiania, you will not buy your marijuana there.

In the midst of all this opposing, the residence of Christiania are also challenging the goverment to answer the question 'If the market is not on Christiania, and the demand is the same, what will happen?' which has not really been discussed officially.

In 2004 when Christiania was raided in a large police operation the market was closed for several days for good, and several weeks later Pusherstreet slowly blossomed again. Meanwhile, most of the sales of illegal marijuana happened all around the city, making the job of monitoring the people involved even harder than when they all went to one place to do there illegal business, or at least ultimately ended there.

What will happen this time, now that the locals are on board with the idea of a legal Christiania? Will it be over for tourists to enjoy a forbidden joint in a setting that makes it seem as legal as breathing air?

I personally hope it wont be.

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