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Guns Are Not the problem...

abused children grow up to be murderers.jpeg

How many more innocent lives are going to be sacrificed in this cat and mouse blame game being held in the US?

America has a dirty little secret that is bursting at the seems of what is believed to be good and true in the world.

Growing up in a household where both of my parents were addicted to alcohol and one to prescription drugs, I experienced great heart ache, loneliness and abuse at the hands of not only my mother, but kids at my school. I had no break from the bullying for many years. I tried many times to get help from other grown ups, teachers, neighbors and one really believed me. I was just patted on the head and ignored. AS most girls do, I turned that anger and violence onto myself. Trying several times to end my life. I am thankful I did not succeed.

I tried several times to turn my mother in, but the police just sent me back home to be beaten up again and again. I dreamed of living in a foster home, where at least I would not be the target of my mothers angry rage when she would come down from her high.

As I grew older and wiser, I learned that I was one of the lucky ones. Some of the stories friends shared from their own experiences in foster care scarred me deeply. Our culture is one of violence and cunning trickery. If foster homes were worse than the home I lived in as a child, where are we to find the safe places for our youth who are struggling to stay sane and off drugs or worse off the streets?

How many more children need to sent away to foster care facilities or homes where the abuse they endure leaves them scared beyond anything their peers at the local high school could comprehend.


Our society is built on a long line of murder, rape and torture of the native peoples who really own this country. Over 50 - 100 million men, women and children tortured, raped, imprisoned and murdered. source:

I believe this rage from our fore fathers has been passed down generation to generation. Although we are more refined and polite than our great great great grandfathers who took this country by force, the consequences of that violent past still haunt most families.

Fast forward a few generations and we now have Yuppy parents who may feel "safe" in their cush little homes in the suburbs, far from the streets of Compton and LA, but this violence, this pending Karma will find you right where you live.

As a substitute teacher in years past and a victim of violent acts throughout my childhood, I can spot from a mile away who the victims in a crowd are and who the predators are.

Over the years, I have seen too many students fall by the wayside at schools in the US and abroad. Teachers often look the other way when a child is bullied, or worse, join in.

Children who are often abused or have been through traumatic stressful events out side of school can often send out the invisible vibe that it is "ok" to come test and bully these kids.

You can watch children out at recess and see the loners or the children who emit this "come bully me" vibe. If you pay attention, you will find the bullies have already set their sites on these children. Bullies instinctively know what child is open to this harassment and abuse.

I have seen children who ended up in the hospital after suicide attempts. Their stories are bone chillingly sad and eerie.

Our school systems are so overwhelmed and under funded that teachers struggle to get through the day, let alone play security officer during recess.

The question is not "how can we make it illegal for Americans to own guns of any kind?" but how can we as Americans spot the children in our classrooms who have been broken?

Once we suspect we have a child who is enduring unbelievable bullying at home, at school and in life, we as the adults need to put on our big girl pants and do the right f****** thing and the kid some real help.

The young man that brutally took 17 lives in Florida was shining example of how our school system and leadership is nothing more than empty promises. Everytime I see a teacher or group of students hop on CNN or Fox and discuss how "We saw this coming".... I want to scream. Really? What did you guys do? Snicker at him? Make fun of him? Beat him up after and even during school hours?

I lived through a great deal of bullying at the hands of students who were seen as the popular crowd or the jocks. The teachers and administration would let them get away with pretty much anything. To see these teachers talking on news media how they are such passionate and caring souls makes me want to puke. If they were on top of their game, they would of done something long before this kid snapped.


Nikolas Cruz and his brother were victims of a broken system. They are a symptom of our broken culture. They both needed us many years ago. We ignored the warning signs and now pay the price.

Shooters brother involuntarily admitted to mental hospital by the family that was taking care of them. I am HIGHLY suspicious of this family. I would go so far as to say they were part of the problem as well.

We have shelters in place for men and women who are being abused at home, but what about our children? They get sent off to group homes where either the adults or the other children continue the abuse.

Until we find workable solutions that help these children long before they become mass murders, taking gun rights away from the rest of us will only put us and our families at risk for the unthinkable.


I for one vote to hire veterans to man or woman the halls of the school unawares. Give them respectiable wages and benefits. Keep them trained in the latest SWAT tactics, weapons and martial arts, but also help them spot a child heading for destruction.
