The Not-Quite-The-Ministry-of-Truth-News, 7/10/2020 - His name was Seth Rich and today is the 4th anniversary of his murder

A quick run down of the news that leftists, globalists, and their Narrative Broadcasting Companies will not bring you.

Mother murdered for saying "All Lives Matter"

The official narrative is that she was killed at a BLM protest in Indiana over a "language dispute". Screenshots of her Grandpa's facebook allege it was for saying "all lives matter". She was walking away when BLM terrorists shot her in the back of the head.

all lives matter, but not according to some

St. George of Minneapolis (in human terms, George Floyd), was saying "I can't breathe" BEFORE the knee hold


cops ask bystanders and George if he is "on something"
Floyd: "Yes, I was just hooping earlier"
Officer: "Why are you having trouble walking?"
Floyd: "Because officer, [inaudible 8.5 seconds on all the recordings]
Floyd refuses to get in car, demands to lay on ground
Floyd starts to say he cant breathe while in the car, wants to lay down on the ground
Floyd thanks officers for letting him out of the car and putting him on the ground
Officer: "We found a weed pipe on him, there might be something else, something like PCP or something. Is that the shaking of the eyes right is PCP?"
Cops call EMTs, mention they did so because they are concerned about Excited Delirium
Cops assist EMTs
Store Manager says Floyd had lots of fake bills on him, was with another guy with a hat and dreads
Store Manager to cops: "We went outside to talk to them, and they were just really high off stuff and said, get out of my face or something, and thats when we called you guys"

This is the relevant part of the transcript where Floyd says he can't breathe as they were trying to put him in the police car. They also gave him the option of taking a squat. Then he asked to lie down, and they let him.

He was resisting being put in the squad car, so obviously they were holding him in place on the ground with the neck hold. They had already summoned the ambulance and were waiting on it.

My opinion - the charges won't be dropped for Narrative/Informationwar purposes. Chauvin does deserve to be charged for excessive force due to maintaining the hold after unconsciousness, and the experienced officers should be reprimanded for allowing him to do so. But murder charges for all of them is ludicrous, and again, note there was something unsavory going on at the nexus of Chauvin/Floyd's employer.

How surprising, math is "racist", too... SMFH

The cycle of stupidity

  1. Vote for race-baiting socialists
  2. They destroy your educational and employment opportunities, and on top of that, enable criminal activity in your neighborhood.
  3. Your life gets worse
  4. Race-baiting socialists promise you everything will be better if you hate white people and vote for them
  5. Vote for race-baiting socialists

Portland PD pretends to care about their oaths

Portland Police Send Scorching 'No Confidence' Message to City Hall: Stop Defending Antifa

ROFL...there is a goddamn law on the books to deal with what Portland's city officials did not do (protect citizens). That law is 18 USC 242. When the line LEO says "fuck this noise", and starts rolling up these city officials for this felony violation...including the police chiefs and supervisors acceding to illegal orders...then we know American LE is back on the right track.

Fourth Anniversary of Seth Rich's murder


Thanks to 4chan /pol and Ace of Spades ( for hat tips and initial links.

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