CNN rebranding to KNN?


I don't think anyone needs more proof that CNN is utter garbage, but they outdid themselves with this puff piece on Kim Yo Jong, in which they praise the north korean dictator's sister and her presence at the Olympic Winter Games. Obviously, the link is archived, I will not support the likes of CNN, even if I'm weighing in late on this. So let's go through this cancerous propaganda, shall we?

If "diplomatic dance" were an event at the Winter Olympics, Kim Jong Un's younger sister would be favored to win gold.
With a smile, a handshake and a warm message in South Korea's presidential guest book, Kim Yo Jong has struck a chord with the public just one day into the PyeongChang Games.

That's how this garbage starts. She "struck a chord" with the public, has she? Oh really? I can see that in this article. Or maybe this one. Or even this one. Or how about this one? But hey, what do I know? And I'm sure all those koreans are just russian bots or something.

Seen by some as her brother's answer to American first daughter Ivanka Trump, Kim, 30, is not only a powerful member of Kim Jong Un's kitchen cabinet but also a foil to the perception of North Korea as antiquated and militaristic. In Pyeongchang, her presence is a major story line for reporters and the buzz on the street, with some in South Korea curious and accepting, while others are skeptical, if not downright cynical.

So you're equating the minister of propaganda and agitation of a totalitarian, communist regime, with the daughter of an elected president, who has no power over policy. Right... exactly the same. And North Korea isn't just perceived as antiquated and militaristic; it is militaristic. Or need I remind you of the countless nuclear threats addressed to the US, Australia and South Korea, or maybe the rockets launched over Japan?

This "article" then goes on about how she met with the South Korean leader, had dinner and watched a hockey game. That means that she's no different than the free people of the west, right... right? Later, it talks about what is known of her family and how she rose to prominence, now becoming a Politburo member and "one of the few people he [Kim Jong Un] can trust". I wonder why that dictator cannot trust people? Could it be because he killed his uncle? Or maybe that he ordered his brother to be killed? I wonder what this says about his closest aids. It couldn't possibly mean they're his best enforcers, or if I'm generous, his most brainwashed slaves?

Kim Yo Jong's profile has been steadily rising since 2014, when she was made deputy director of the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Workers' Party.

Hmm, so CNN, a free press outlet who constantly lambasts Trump because he dares to call them fake news, is now praising a literal propagandist for one of the, if not the, most oppressive regimes on the planet. Time to write a puff piece on Goebbels then, too. Gotta be inclusive and offer that, all so coveted representation, no?

Experts say her visit for the Winter Games is calculated to answer the expected presence of Ivanka Trump at the closing ceremonies.
"Kim Yo Jong is the perfect counterpart to this," Hwang said. "And it also is a signal that North Korea is not this crazy, weird former Cold War state -- but it too has young women that are capable and are the future leadership."

Aaah, yes. Good 'ol feminism prasing the hijab as a form of liberation, propping up a murderer as their representative, and now praising a communist propagandist. And then feminists wonder why sane people say #FeminismIsCancer.

But, for once, I have to give props to Buzzfeed News, not a thing I thought I'd do any time soon. This is because they released this article, to bring some sanity in the mainstream media. And it's from a direction I never thought I'd see, and I highly recommend you read it.

I know that this is not exactly new information, but I had to rant on this garbage. What are your thought on it, though? Share below, along with any feedback you might have. It is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for reading, and keep on steemin'!

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