
There must be a separation. Farewell would be a memory. Memories are more beautiful than the time we spent.

In the silence, we often guess the longing. Refuses the memories that come home from the remnants of separation

After the breakup, I forget you slowly. Then rearrange the memory, for the memories with you will hinder the journey

The painful is not a farewell, but remembering from every memory ever created as a story.

maybe after this farewell, I will again fight the memories that we just managed to solve

I'm brave with farewell, I'm just weak with memories. That is all

What is the beauty of separation? Memories that will only exist once and for all. What is beautiful about sincerity? Loving unconditionally

The beautiful meeting was The sweetness of affection The bitterness was the farewell That remained was only a memory

Every meeting is a farewell, every single one must be a memory.

The meeting & separation was common. But never forget the people who are present in your life and give good memories.

This most beautiful memories still exist in my heart, whose name there must be a farewell meeting

The most beautiful is the meeting, the hardest parting is the separation .. however we may tie both of them with memories

EVERY song is EVERY meaning EVERY picture is there any story EVERY word WISE EVERY meeting no separation EVERYTHING remembers in memory

If one day, the parting implies a hollow. Let the memories blossom, I keep neatly in my heart. Likewise, my prayers always accompany me.

The silence, the beautiful room of the banquet of time A plate of memories, a piece of parting wounds Is the main menu in the dish.

When a meeting begins with kindness then end a meeting with a farewell that has the most beautiful memories

You know, memories are hard to forget. Then, why do you choose the pain of separation?

Why is there a meeting if there should be a breakup? Because to know the meaning of a memory.

Memories of you, living in my memory so shady. But the parting is still like a sad song that I do not want to hear

with the separation then there will be memories stored when we were together first

One thing I want to forget, the memories I want to forget. It was a farewell

Me and the memories like two monument goodbye in the city limits, a lot of farewell, just passed

Memories are always created And will only be remembered when it is almost to the farewell ..

When there is a meeting, it creates memories. When the meeting changes into a separation, the shared memories will bloom in memory

One by one, the meeting will change with separation, and memories will still be memories that will be taken to the next phase

not the parting that I regret only the wonderful memories that have happened and I will not happen again

Sweet memories, beautiful kenagan, and memories when we are still together, will last until the end of life later. Because for me farewell

When the time comes for a farewell, give me a hug, before the memory hugs me, which is swept away by time.

Meeting and separation is a natural thing to happen. It's just a bemmn we are impressed to be a memory. Happy and sad night.

Be strong not to be sad. Every encounter filled with memories will end in separation

We never hate separation. We are just too afraid to repeat everything from scratch, and dissolve in the beauty of memories.

forget all the memories that can make you sad, until here only love is maintained, suppose this one parting breakup

maybe parting is the right way to forget our memories first, so goodbye and congratulations happy.

at the end of a meeting there must be a farewell, thank you for giving a beautiful memory of yesterday

A simple separation. Like a cup of coffee

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