POtUS vetoes 9/11 Saudi Bill: Hilarity ensues.

October 1 thu 4, 2016

I must get a new device, my old one was working fine before I stepped on it a few months ago. I don't mind scrolling the internet on a spiderwebbed tablet, but taking pictures with a spiderwebbed camera makes everything look fuzzy and faded, like they're awaiting a kiss from Capt. Kirk.  

If I had had a camera this weekend I would have put my guitar down while busking and shown you one hell of a large german shepherd that, uninvited, stood by me this weekend. Sharing a surreal, though not surprising experience from Oct. 1, around 2 pm:

 "I just shared this detail of my day yesterday with my friend Maggie. I think I should let the rest of you know, so that if you are nearby the next time it happens we can form a flash mob:"Yesterday while busking at the wedge, perhaps around 2ish pm, a plainclothes came and stood by my guitar case with a very large k9 for about 5 minutes....I just played on. Never saw that before all my time here, a k9 at the Wedge on a Saturday on duty next to me. The regular saturday cop, who is rather friendly, knows progressive jazz and rock really well, was off. I am hoping to get film from the Wedge...a clear intimidation effort directed at me. They have already made it near impossible for me to teach again in this district,but the way MPS fuels academic divides I wouldn't want to anyway." 

Angela Davis, speaking in At the Black Studies Department of Texas' international conference, Black Matters:  the Futures of Black Scholarship and Activism, this past weekend, reflecting on the Black Radical Tradition and what we can affect in the present: abolish the police anyone?


 Trump and ilk pay no taxes, pork and corn farmers subsidized to the extreme, plus taxes taken universally to pay for a white supremacist permanent war machine, (on top of the billions in black budget not discussed), and this, for starters: THat's a hell of a lot o' welfare. 


An Encapsulation of US politics in the 21st Century:

Last week, POTUS vetoed the 9/11 Saudi Arabia bill that would have allowed the families of 9/11 victims the right to sue US ally Saudi Arabia, who by the way happen to own approximately three-quarters of a TRILLION dollars (US $750,000,000,000) of our nation's debt. I am saddened that our president again showed the lack of moral judgement to sign this bill, or moreover, showed his true colors as a gatekeeper of hidden enterprises fueled by bankers. But I digress.

However, my spirits are still elevated by the comedy that ensued when both houses of congress decided to override the veto.  In what appeared to be a rare case of congress showing moral courage with their override, it turns out to have been another case of republican obstruction, in which, in fact, they now want POtUS's veto. Go figure:

 Nothing could be better than for world citizens victimized by the US military industrial complex to be able to sue the US government. This is hilarious on so many levels. No good guys here at all, but some comically dumb shyts who thought the bill was a one way ride to sue the Saudis without the reaction of being sued by the rest of the world for crimes perpetrated against it by our government, CIA and the rest of the national security apparatus, and the private mercenaries they employ. 

Essentially, the US was outing itself for the crimes against humanity the Hague grants us immunity for. The fear both the executive and legislative branches are exhibiting is basically screaming for the International Criminal Courts to drag the US, Saudis and Israelis before a tribunal for wars of false pretext, deaths by drone, and other collective crimes against humanity, which, if this bill isn't tweaked, has the potential to do just that. If there was nothing to hide about US complicity with the Saudis for 9/11, these lil people --republicans specifically --  wouldn't be having this conniption in which they are now blaming Obama for not making the case for his veto convincing enough.

"Obama on Wednesday night called the override “a mistake” at a town hall event at Fort Lee, Virginia hosted by CNN. Other countries, he said, may respond by allowing their citizens to sue the U.S. for actions by American soldiers, diplomats or corporate executives, who are usually protected from litigation by the concept of sovereign immunity."


Rashard Zanders agitates the best way he can, with whatever he can: rashard.zanders@gmail.com

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