How not to handle a referendum #catalunya

Amateurism in Politics

With absolute dispair I watch the news from Barcelona, Gerona, Figueres... in Catalunya.
I know this region pretty good, as I have been there 7 or 8 times on holiday. It is a wonderful place with very friendly people, but most of them don't feel Spanish, they are Catalans. And it is their human right to feel like that.
Catalunya has been demanding for separation from Spain for years. Now finally a referendum was planned, but declared illegal by the Spanish government.

Now today is the day of the referendum about the independance of Catalunya, and footage of horror in the streets of Barcelona and other cities reaches us. People are getting thrown and kicked out of the voting posts by the Guardia Civil. The police litteraly tries to stop people from voting with violence... I find that horrific for an evolved and western nation like Spain.

This action by the Spanish government, is the stupidest thing they could have done. This will make the resistance and demand for separation even harder.
If this would happen in a dictatorial regime, I would at least have a little understanding... But this, how stupid can politicians be?

(Catalan anthem before game between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid)

The people of Catalunya deserve this vote, and the result will be what it will be... Then politicians can talk about what needs to happen...
But not this, police trying to keep people from voting, a government that declares this illegal... I thought Donald Trump was the worst politician I had ever seen, but Mariano Rajoy proved me wrong.

Let's hope this evolves peacefully.



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