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Syria Madness !

How is this possible ? I just can't understand why Assad would use chemical weapons while winning ground! on ISIS (created by the american/western leaders).

I've seen interviews from Assad beïng questioned from journalists, where one can clearly see Assad dominating and countered questions with high intellect...

I remember i saw the first interview from Assad that only had 5000 views that was in 2006 ... When many fail clips had like 10,000,000 views. For now it has 130.000 views ... ?

For me it's really disturbing.. I never write stuff like this but for now ... i had this strong feeling to get this word out.

How stupid can nato be ? (including my own country) Claiming evidence without backing it like France does now.

We have syrian refugees living in our appartment. Husband,mother and 3 lovely kids. I've talked about syria with them... It's so clear to me the west is the AGRESSOR here. As many many times before.

I see the stormy Daniels and other playboy girls with confessions and the stock markets fading away in the line of fire.

I would love to see this shared as many times possible. Watch the interviews... please. As i have talked to Syrian refugees....

The images included are graveyards from the WW1 and WW2 in my own country where millions of people died ... For what ?

One cannot image the size of those graveyards where people from many nations rest.

Have a wonderful evening.