#saveindonesia - indonesia got attack 2 days by terrorist

Indonesia is in dangerous phase

it's sad news for all of you guys. because in my country got attack 2 days by terroris. they are explode himself and hurt people around. 

in the first attack on date may 13, 2018. the aim is 3 place different church in the same time.

due to this attack many victims who died and injured. i can't say anything, why the terrorist have no soul. since the incident i am so scare to go town and public. i just stay at home and watch news.

in the second attack on date may 14, 2014. the aim is police station

so, this is very fuck up. police instituion who make my country feels good and they are got attacked to. it's too many police get dead. i just can't say anything and i feel so bad now. 

i hope no third attack tommorow. plis stop to hurt people. i dont want my country be like this.

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