It's all Media Hype. Virus, Schmirus

Corona Virus:

  • Declared global health emergency
  • British Airways, Aeroflot and other flight companies cancel trips to China, some for a month at least, Costing them untold millions
  • 66 million people (the entire population of the UK/France) completely quarantined and isolated
  • Companies run bankrupt nationwide, economy permanently damaged, particularly in places such as Hong Kong
  • Schools close down for weeks/indefinitely, causing more economic and educational damage
  • Mass hospitals built in days to cater to the overwhelming demand
  • Supermarkets run dry, delivery services cut off/canceled, people dying from lack of resources
  • Visas for Chinese nationals revoked worldwide, more untold millions in economic damages
  • Nurses and Doctors working so much over days without a single break that they are forced en masse to wear adult diapers so they can sh*t themselves while they work
  • Cases doubling every couple of days (though likely more than official stats let on)
  • 1,500 cases of either Critically ill or dead in a few weeks
  • Numbers of infected within a few weeks surpass SARS total over 9 months
  • Can transmit without symptoms, through pets, credit cards, breathing, and other unknown methods

Opinion piece writers with self-proclaimed doctorates in virology sitting at a safe distance:

'Nyeghhh, the flu kills more people, it's just media hype, Nyeghhh'

... right.

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