Chemtrail and HAARP Attack Continues to Flood Southeast

US government attacks on the southeast continue as HAARP brodcasts and chemtrails get more concentrated.

Tropical storm Hermoine is bearing down on the western coast of Florida and is expected to head north-northeast, smashing into Georgia and heading north into the Carolinas and then making it's way out to sea around West Virginia.

There is strong evidence that the storm in Louisiana was steered and strenghened by HAARP causing massive flooding and at least 13 deaths. Now they have steered tropical depression 9 and strenghtened it so it will have the power to go overland through more than 5 states.

Evidence follows

Sources Dahboo7 and Dutchsinse on youtube

Dont believe them? Read thier own website below.

This research is no longer just research just look what NASA has to say about weather weapons.

These attacks only have one purpose, to cause a national state of emergency to help the UN take over policing of our sovereign states and maybe cancell the elections. Donald Trump is beating up on globalist pawn Hillary Clinton and the powers that should not be will stop at nothing to make sure Trump does not get into office. Globalism is dead if Trump wins and they are frightened. They cannot kill him because of an ever awakening public. If you think the UN stuff is conspiracy theory I invite you to watch this.

Source Dahboo7 and Bill St Michael

This UN takeover has been in the works since the writing of Agenda 21 and now Agenda 2030

It is written in their own words that the one thing holding them back from full implementation of global totalitarianism is a free, well armed America.

We must let our "representatives" know that we know and do not approve. If enough of us out them, they know their careers and lives are on the line. We must unite with strenght and put aside petty differences like Democrat/Republican, black/white Mexican/Syrian and face the real issues before the entire country is in ruin.

If you value this, upvote and share and be sure to follow for updates throughout the storm.
If you live in the southeast, make sure to have plenty of fresh drinking water and non-perishable food supplies. If they keep strengthening this storm, it will get rough. Also know your evacuation routes and shelter locations. Help others and be well.