RE: Current Events: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly.

All the liberals, including my girlfriend and I, seem to be blissfully ignoring Sweden's response of no-lockdown. We all paid very close attention when they were getting railed, but now that they are in the clear we ignore them. Super cool. I love the sound of this echo-chamber, don't you?

Finland swiftly imposed a partial lockdown between mid-March and mid-May. No lockdown measures in place at the moment and the number of new cases is one of the lowest in Europe. Masks only used in public transportation. I don't think there will be any lockdowns any time soon. Sweden experienced a significant bump in total mortality (IIRC about 1.5 times the normal) in the spring when a lot of seniors and people with underlying conditions caught the virus. About 6000 to 7000 Swedes died of Covid-19. 300+ Finns have died of the same cause. Our population is half of that of Sweden's, 10 vs. 5.6 million.

Too little is known about the virus, yet. For example, nobody knows how prevalent it really is. But it is possible that the level of spread required for herd immunity is much lower than previously thought. That's because of the great variation in the likelihood of catching the virus and spreading it between different individuals in the population. If most of the so-called super-spreaders or those most susceptible becoming sick have already got it, then it is understandable why the number of those needing an ICU bed or dying of it is so low.

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