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Inter-Dimensional Intelligences


The above image was made with stable diffusion using the prompt 'a tardis.'

A former Air Force intelligence officer named David Grusch has recently been making the rounds to talk about UFOs, which are now termed UAPs for official purposes. Last summer, he testified in a Congressional hearing that the US had recovered crashed UFO's and non-human "biologics," though no physical evidence supporting these claims was forthcoming. More recently, at an informal gathering of key people in Manhattan, Grusch apparently told people that one recovered UFO was TARDIS-like. From a Daily Mail piece about it:

Grusch claims his sources worked on a 40-foot UAP that 'was the size of a football field' when they stepped inside, according to an attendee at the event. The object could manipulate both space and time. ... Guests included officials from the FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, tech entrepreneurs and Wall Street 'bigwigs.' All in, Grusch gave the talk to 60 people at a penthouse in Manhattan, and photos were banned from the event. The only information about the meeting was leaked by an anonymous attendee who took pictures of Grusch. has since verified that the meeting took place and was told by sources that Coinbase advisor John D'Agostino and high-powered attorney John J. Altorelli hosted the event.

The meeting where this information was disclosed sounds very weird to me. A group of elites from across government and finance get together at a private residence to hear a whistleblower who may or may not be a walking limited hangout. And what they hear is that there are aliens visiting Earth who can manipulate space and time.

At the same time, another key detail of Grusch's story just came into focus. After listening to Grusch in a closed hearing, Rep. Florida Anna Paulina Luna emphasized to reporters that the non-human intelligences visiting Earth were inter-dimensional rather than extraterrestrial. On camera she seemed convinced that Grusch was a credible source.

Although we've yet to see any physical evidence substantiating Grush's claims, his narrative must in some way be useful to the control regime or he never would've been allowed to tell his story to lawmakers and financial elites. The inclusion of TARDIS ships and inter-dimensional aliens in that story is telling. It suggests that we're being primed to accept a larger story about non-human intelligence, though it isn't clear to what end.

One possibility is a fake UFO invasion or contact event, which could be declared an emergency to be handled in a way that benefits the control regime. The specifics of this could range from a fake alien pandemic to a fake war with teleporting aliens. Of course, it's also possible that an actual contact event is coming. Maybe the control regime even has some kind of relationship with non-human intelligences and plans to disclose this information publicly at some point.

Although this is mere speculation, one thing is clear. As disclosure continues, if the powers that be begin describing UFOs as a dangerous threat, we'll be foolish to believe them. We've already been told that the aliens have TARDIS technology. They could obviously wipe us out or take us over if they wanted to. Whatever these inter-dimensional intelligences are, they're not our enemies.

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