When Society Says You Can't Be With Your Spouse... Society Has Done Goofed.

Yes folks,

We have really reached that point where we need to sue the establishment in order to be able to have physical contact with our loved ones IN THE SAME PLACE WE LIVE IN.

This week a news story broke of an elderly man suing a New Mexico nursing home for the right to touch his wife.

No, I'm not messing with you.

We have officially sunk to the lowest level of freedom & care for fellow human beings.

In an attempt to save the elderly (who haven't been allowed outside of their nursing homes since the lockdowns started while you've been running around to grocery stores and going for take out coffee), there have been ludicrous rules made such as spouses can not touch each other.
What really takes the cake however is that staff can touch the residents.

Staff who are allowed to leave the facility and can go home to their loved ones, can go to the grocery store, can catch the covids, bring it into the facility and spread it around.
(If it was ever really real in the first place.)

But this man was not able to visit/touch his wife whom he has been with for years because of the "rules" of living in separate units in the same building.

Another perfect example of this complete fuckery is the case back in July where a woman got a job as a dish-washer in order to be able to visit her husband with Alzheimer's.

Could you imagine that?
Having to get a job at the nursing home your husband is living at in order to be able to see him while everyone else (if they're lucky) gets to visit outside the window.
Or being told that even though you and your spouse live in the same building, you are no longer allowed to touch one another?

Thankfully this husband won his case against these heartless crooks and it's good to see people willing to adapt to their present situation at the time.

But overall this is nonsense. This should have never happened in the first place.


This planet has lost all ability to actually reason in the name of safety.

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